SSRS textboxes to appear IIF another exist

  • Hello,

    I am fixing a ssrs report, I want to know if there is a way to show a textbox or make a textbox visible true if another textbox is visible on a page, lets say text called A only appears due to grouping, if textbox A is on page 1 and 4, then I want text box B to appear, which will also be on page 1 and 4, however if textbox A is not present which it wont on page 2 and 3, then texbox C will appear... anyone know how to do that in an expression for visibility?

    thanks in advanced

  • There is no way to access the Hidden property of another report item.

    You can usually create an expression in the second textbox that evaluates the same as the first one. You are also able to use the ReportItems collection in the visibility expression, so you can reference the value in the first textbox.

    For instance if you have this expression for visibility in say Textbox7 -

    =Iif(Me.Value = "HideMe", True, False)

    You can use this expression for visibility in your other textbox -

    =Iif(ReportItems!("Textbox7").Value = "HideMe", True, False)

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