encryption of data = sql 2012

  • Hi,

    There are two databases. DB1 and DB2

    DB1 is the master database which holds all data whereas DB2 holds some of the data.

    DB1 and DB2 have tables, i.e. tblDB1 in DB1 and tblDB2 in DB2

    Both these tables have data. One of the fields they have in-common is the SecurityID column with datatype varchar(200)

    1- I must encrypt the SecurityID values in tblDB2 for the existing data.

    2- get the required missing data in tblDB2 from tblDB1 and transfer to tblDB2. Then encrypt the transferred data intblDB2 .

    3- In future I would like to run queries to match data using the encrypted SecurityID column in tblDB

    I read about encryptbypassphrase and decryptbypassphrase which seems good

    Also I see there is hashbyte as well


    What is the way to do this?

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