Break single record into 2 records

  • I have a bonus database that was created long ago and their are 3 separate tables with different bonus but all the same data. So what I want to do is create 2 tables, one with the bonus information that does not ever change and one with the payment information. This is an example of one table.

    SELECT [intSRBBonusID]
























    FROM [tblSRB]

    This information that is duplicative and I want to stick in table A

    SELECT [intSRBBonusID]











    FROM [tblA]

    The rest of the information I want to stick in table B because every bonus can have 3 to 5 payments.

    SELECT [intpaymentId]












    FROM [tblB]

    SELECT [intSRBBonusID]




    FROM [tblC]

    the documents I want to put in table C along as right now they are a comma deliminated string and hard to manage and deal with. Same with the remarks as well as they want to track who made comment and when.

    SELECT [intSRBBonusID]




    FROM [tblD]

    So my question is how can I best break up each record to do what I want?? I thought about a cursor and loading all records into a temp table and then going through each one and inserting into table A grabbing the Identity and inserting into table B rest of info. Not sure if this is right way to do or is there a better way?? Thank you for assistance.

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