Dynamic SQL to grant permission but avoid SQL injection

  • I was asked to go through stored procedures and make modifications so SQL injections would be impossible.

    If it's a select statement, I usually do something like :

    SET @cmd = 'select * from testtable WHERE FirstName = @fname AND LastName = @lname'

    SET @parameters = '@fname nvarchar(100), @lname nvarchar(100)'

    EXEC sp_executesql @cmd, @parameters, @fname = @fname, @lname = @lname

    But I stumbled on a stored procedure to dynamicaly grand/remove permissions :

    SET @cmd = @protectType + ' ' + @action + ' on ' + @object + ' TO [' + @grantee + ']'

    EXEC (@cmd)

    It won't let me put @protectType as a parameter, I understand, it's not a 'parameter'

    Is there a way to do something like this in a stored procedure and protect myself from SQL injection?

    Thank you.

  • Probably something like this:

    DECLARE @cmd varchar(8000),

    @protectType varchar( 6),

    @action varchar(8000),

    @object varchar(128) = 'sysdbfrag',

    @grantee varchar(128);

    IF @protectType NOT IN( 'GRANT', 'DENY', 'REVOKE')

    RAISERROR('Invalid Protect Type',10,1);

    IF EXISTS(SELECT Item FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K( @action, ',')


    SELECT permission_name FROM fn_builtin_permissions(DEFAULT))

    RAISERROR('Invalid Action',10,1);

    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.objects WHERE name = PARSENAME( @object, 1))

    RAISERROR('Invalid Action',10,1);

    --IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT name FROM sys.database_principals WHERE name = @grantee

    -- UNION ALL

    -- SELECT name FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = @grantee)

    -- RAISERROR('Invalid Grantee',10,1);

    SET @cmd = @protectType + ' ' + @action + ' on ' + @object + ' TO ' + QUOTENAME( @grantee)

    EXEC (@cmd)

    I'm assuming certain things in here, such as this is something to manage permissions. It handles several permissions in a single instruction and for that it used the DelimitedSplit8k found in here: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/

    It might not be exactly what you need, but it should give you an idea.

    Luis C.
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  • Looks awesome, it's definitely down the path I'm going.

    Thank you.

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