Help find that script please ? Some one knows where to locate it

  • Folks

    There is a valuable script out there that will take the rows from a table and display INSERT STATEMENTS.

    Good thing is this script converts the data to HEXADECIMAL ( or some other ) and we don't have to worry about dealing with apostrophies embedded in varchar fields.

    Hey, Anyway,

    Can some one point me to where the script is.

  • Never heard of it. Be interested in seeing it when you find it.

  • SSMS (Tasks : Generate scripts) will generate INSERT statements for data. It doesn't do the HEX thing, but it doubles up embedded single quotes. Would that do instead of a script?

  • Yep this works, I used this already.

    But yes, that script ( Actually I had someone from this forum send it to me sometime in the past ) does the job beautifully.

    You pass the name of the table and it beautifully displays all the insert statements. The beauty is alll those values in every field will be converted to Octal or Hexadecimal .

    More later...

  • Ahhh....

    Found it ....

    I looked in my past posts and a person by the name of LOWELL had sent me a reply.

  • if exists


    select *

    from sys.objects


    [object_id] = object_id(N'[dbo].[usp_generate_inserts]')

    and type in (N'P', N'PC')


    drop proc [dbo].[usp_generate_inserts];


    create proc dbo.usp_generate_inserts


    @table nvarchar(255)




    set nocount on

    declare @is_identity bit;

    declare @columns nvarchar(max);

    declare @values nvarchar(max);

    declare @script nvarchar(max);

    if isnull(charindex('.', @table), 0) = 0


    print 'Procedure dbo.usp_generate_inserts expects a table_name parameter in the form of schema_name.table_name';




    -- initialize variables as otherwise the padding will fail (return nulls for nvarchar(max) types)

    set @is_identity = 0;

    set @columns = '';

    set @values = '';

    set @script = '';


    The following select makes an assumption that the identity column should be included in

    the insert statements. Such inserts still work when coupled with identity_insert toggle,

    which is typically used when there is a need to "plug the holes" in the identity values.

    Please note the special handling of the text data type. The type should never be present

    in SQL Server 2005 tables because it will not be supported in future versions, but there

    are unfortunately plenty of tables with text columns out there, patiently waiting for

    someone to upgrade them to varchar(max).



    @is_identity = @is_identity | columnproperty(object_id(@table), column_name, 'IsIdentity'),

    @columns = @columns + ', ' + '['+ column_name + ']',

    @values =

    @values + ' + '', '' + isnull(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(cast(' +

    case data_type

    when 'text' then 'cast([' + column_name + '] as varchar(max))'

    else '[' + column_name + ']'

    end + ' as varbinary(max))), ''null'')'




    table_name = substring(@table, charindex('.', @table) + 1, len(@table))

    and data_type != 'timestamp'

    order by ordinal_position;

    set @script =

    'select ''insert into ' + @table + ' (' + substring(@columns, 3, len(@columns)) +

    ') values ('' + ' + substring(@values, 11, len(@values)) + ' + '');'' from ' + @table + ';';

    if @is_identity = 1

    print ('set identity_insert ' + @table + ' on');


    generate insert statements. If the results to text option is set and the query results are

    completely fit then the prints are a part of the batch, but if the results to grid is set

    then the prints (identity insert related) can be gathered from the messages window.


    exec sp_executesql @script;

    if @is_identity = 1

    print ('set identity_insert ' + @table + ' off');


    set nocount off



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