Removing Shared Data Source

  • Good Day

    I have a shared data source within some of my projects pointing to a deprecated database. I am in the process of taking this database offline. All associated reports have been modified to connect to a new database and have been deployed into production. The problem I have is that I forgot to delete the shared data source association in the individual reports (even though it is no longer in use).

    My question. Is there a way to bulk remove this association from each report in BIDS? Deleting the shared data source from the folder didn't auto remove the association and each time i deploy the reports into Prod, the reference follows right along.

    I can also attempt to delete the shared datasource from the report server but I have seen SSRS display very funny behavior when report data sources are removed even though not in use and that still doesnt remove the fact the reference is "recreated" when i deploy from BIDS

    My third option which i had started doing was to go through each project and delete the old shared datasource and then redeploy. This, while works as the best solution is very time consuming.

    Any help is appreciated.

  • The purpose of a shared/common data source is that when you need to redirect to a new database, you only need to change the configuration at one place rather than report by report. Unless I am not understanding you, why did you not delete the reference to the shared connection when you redirected the reports to the new datasource? You did this one report at a time? Better question, why did you create new connection(s) for the individual report(s) rather than modifying the existing one?


  • If you are seeing the new data source under the data sources folder, but the preview still complains of a reference to the old source, try clicking the save button. This should write the new configuration to the xml file that represents the report. (If not open up the reports xml and do a manual search for the old data source's name and replace it with the name for the new data source. Remember that the name is case sensitive - do be careful here).


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