Filter Error / Expression Expected Error Message [BC30201]

  • I have an unusual situation for a report. I only want to display 4 accounts (170, 171, 200, 380) if the Cost Center is either A480 or A485. All other accounts should be displayed for all cost centers. If one of the above accounts appears on any other cost center, then it should NOT be displayed in the report. I'm trying to create a filter in Report Builder.

    The report should only display accounts 170 / 171 / 200 / 380 for Cost Centers A480 and A485.

    Sample Results:

    Cost Center A400: 123 / 125 / 130 / 140 / 145

    Cost Center A440: 123 / 125 / 130 / 140 / 145

    Cost Center A480: 123 / 125 / 130 / 140 / 145 / 170 / 171 / 200 / 380

    Cost Center A485: 123 / 125 / 130 / 140 / 145 / 170 / 171 / 200 / 380

    Cost Center A500: 123 / 125 / 130 / 140 / 145

    This report has a prompt for Cost Center. Some of the other Cost Centers will have results for accounts 170 / 171 / 200 / 380 but the user doesn't want to see these accounts in the any Cost Center other than A480 or A485.

    This is the filter I have tried creating:

    Expression: =((Parameters!GP.Value = 'A0480' AND Parameters!GP.Value = 'A0485')

    AND NOT (Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 170203 OR Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 171040 OR Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 171041 OR Fields!FA_ACCT.Value = 200380))

    Operator: =

    Value: =True

    However, when I try to run this report, an error message is displayed that says "Failed to preview report. The FilterExpression for the dataset 'DataSet1' contains an error [BC30201] Expression Expected"

    I'm not sure what is wrong or if I'm even headed in the right direction. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking at this........

  • Hi mschaper,

    Could it as simple as changing your single quotes to double quotes? SSRS uses the single quote to start comments.

  • Get Me ? was that simple. I replace the single quotes with double quotes and the error message went away. I develop these reports in Teradata and have to use single quotes there and obviously forgot to switch to the double quotes in Report Builder. Thanks again for your help.......

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