Non-key columns appearing in "Dimension Columns" column in Define Relationship window

  • I'm a beginner in SSAS and I had a question about something on the Define Relationship window which is accessed from the Dimension Usage tab page.

    When selecting Regular for "Relationship type", and then selecting the appropriate "Granularity attribute", I noticed that in the "Relationship" section, the "Dimension Columns" column sometimes lists dimension columns that are non key columns. This causes a problem as I'm forced to match these non key columns up with a Measure Group Column and I don't want that to happen.

    I encountered this issue before when working in the development version of my cube and I recall that I resolved it by deleting the dimension from the cube and then adding it again. That seem to result in only the key column displaying in the "Dimension Columns" list. I was just hoping there was some explanation for why it happens in the first place and whether it's something I may be doing wrong.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

  • Could it be that you have defined a composite key in that table?

  • Good question. I checked and it seems neither the fact nor the dimension have a composite key. Thanks for the suggestion though.

  • The only other thing I can think of is that you maybe did not have the relationships defined in your DSV when developing the cube.

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