Can't shrink huge log file (.ldf) on MSDB database

  • On one of our SQL Server 2008R2 instances the MSDB log file (MSDBLog.ldf) has grown to 400GB+. The data (.mdf) file is only 3GB.

    • Neither DBCC Shrinkfile(MSDBLog) nor an interactive "Tasks / Shrink / ..." help

    • I've already deleted much of the history

    • The MSDB database is in "Simple" recovery mode

    • I've done a full backup (in case the log was "waiting" for a backup)

    I hesitate to do things (such as as Detach / Attach) with MSDB that I might do with a user database.

    Please help me shrink the recalcitrant log file on this SQL 2008R2 database.

  • Longshot: CDC enabled on MSDB database?

  • No, but I have just discovered that the log reuse indicator for this database is "REPLICATION", and we're not replicating this MSDB database, so I'm trying to learn how to shut down whatever it thinks it's doing.

  • Glad you have found the cause. Maybe add some, daily, FileSize Logging so you can see growth-over-time 😉 Even 3GB sounds quite generous to me for MSDB MDB but, as with such things, "it depends".

    Is housekeeping running on the Backup History in MSDB?

  • Just in case useful:

    -- Oldest backup record in MSDB



  • I was ultimately successful by calling procedure sp_removereplication, even though the database was not actually doing any replication.

    Something was just corrupted.

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