Parameter Forward Dependencies are not Valid ??

  • Hello Everyone,

    I have a parameter @edate that includes year month values. There is a second parameter @EVTCD that includes Events from each month. I would like the RDL to prompt the user to select the year month first (the first parameter @edate), then select the events from that month (the second parameter @EVTCD).

    When I run the RDL the error I get is "The report parameter 'EVTCD' has a default value or a Valid Value that depends on the report parameter "edate". Forward dependencies are not valid." Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

    One thing I should mention is I entered a default value for the parameter @EVTCD, then I deleted it. There is no default value in the properties. Just wondering if that default value somehow got saved somewhere.

    Thank you in advance for any input.

  • The order of the parameters is significant. The order they are listed in the report data tool windows determines the order they are evaluated and displayed.

    Select the parameter you created and move it into the correct order of evaluation with the up/down arrows at the top of the Report Data box.

  • Thank you Get me. That resolved the issue. Thank you so much!

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