Help Needed in cross logic Query

  • Hi,

    Below is my sample data to play with,

    Declare @Store table(id int primary key identity(1,1),StoreId int);

    Declare @Message table(StoreId int, Messages varchar(100));

    Insert into @Store(StoreId)

    select 100 union all select 200 union all select 300 union all select 400 union all select 500;

    Insert into @Message(StoreId,Messages)

    select 100, 'Message1' union all

    select 100, 'Message2' union all

    select 100, 'Message3' union all

    select 100, 'Message4' union all

    select 100, 'Message5' union all

    select 200, 'Message1' union all

    select 200, 'Message2' union all

    select 200, 'Message3' union all

    select 200, 'Message4' union all

    select 200, 'Message5'

    --Required output:

    select 100 as StoreId,'Message1' as M1,'Message2' as M2,'Message3'as M3,'Message4' as M4,'Message5' as M5 union all

    select 200 as StoreId,'Message1' as M1,'Message2' as M2,'Message3'as M3,'Message4' as M4,'Message5' as M5

    Should i use rows to columns conversion logic or should i use cross appy. Any suggestions and any sample qury how to achieve this logic.

  • pivot makes sense if the message column is a int or numerical data type on which aggregations need to be performs else if the number of messages is static you can use xml to pivot the data for you.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • Quick cross-tab suggestion


    USE tempdb;



    Declare @Store table(id int primary key identity(1,1),StoreId int);

    Declare @Message table(StoreId int, Messages varchar(100));

    Insert into @Store(StoreId)

    select 100 union all select 200 union all select 300 union all select 400 union all select 500;

    Insert into @Message(StoreId,Messages)

    select 100, 'Message1' union all

    select 100, 'Message2' union all

    select 100, 'Message3' union all

    select 100, 'Message4' union all

    select 100, 'Message5' union all

    select 200, 'Message1' union all

    select 200, 'Message2' union all

    select 200, 'Message3' union all

    select 200, 'Message4' union all

    select 200, 'Message5';








    ORDER BY MSG.[Messages]

    ) AS ST_RID


    FROM @Store ST

    INNER JOIN @Message MSG

    ON ST.StoreId = MSG.StoreId




    ,MAX(CASE WHEN BD.ST_RID = 1 THEN BD.[Messages] END ) AS M1

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN BD.ST_RID = 2 THEN BD.[Messages] END ) AS M2

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN BD.ST_RID = 3 THEN BD.[Messages] END ) AS M3

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN BD.ST_RID = 4 THEN BD.[Messages] END ) AS M4

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN BD.ST_RID = 5 THEN BD.[Messages] END ) AS M5


    GROUP BY BD.StoreId;


    StoreId M1 M2 M3 M4 M5

    ----------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------

    100 Message1 Message2 Message3 Message4 Message5

    200 Message1 Message2 Message3 Message4 Message5

  • Jayanth_Kurup (9/3/2015)

    pivot makes sense if the message column is a int or numerical data type on which aggregations need to be performs else if the number of messages is static you can use xml to pivot the data for you.

    Quick thought, although it's straight forward to transpose the data using XML, I would be very careful suggesting such a solution when there are many unknowns such as cardinality and row size. It can work fine on small sets but it will never perform anywhere near the cross-tab.


  • Hi Eirik is there performance difference between pivot and cross tab? Curious to know. Thanks

  • Thanks Eirik for the straightforward method. Appreciated.

  • born2achieve (9/3/2015)

    Hi Eirik is there performance difference between pivot and cross tab? Curious to know. Thanks

    In simple terms there is hardly any difference on smaller sets (10K rows or less), when the sets become larger then the cross-tab is normally faster although it's not always that simple. Suggest you have a look at Jeff Moden's article on the matter: Cross Tabs and Pivots[/url]


  • KGJ-Dev (9/3/2015)

    Thanks Eirik for the straightforward method. Appreciated.

    You are welcome.


    Quick question, will you always know the number of columns in the output?

  • Yes, i know the number columns in the output always.


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