Change to user input prompt?

  • This is the SQL:


    person.MembershipNumber, person.FirstName + ' ' + person.LastName AS NAME, person.FirstName, person.RegionId AS REGION,

    addr.StreetOne, addr.StreetTwo, ISNULL(unit.Description, '') + ' ' + addr.SubUnit AS 'Unit', addr.City + ', ' + addrState.Code + ' ' + addr.PostalCode AS 'CityStateZip',

    addrState.Code AS 'State', lookup.Country.Description AS 'Country', CONVERT(char(10), pm.EndDate, 101) AS EndDate, addr.PostalCode, pm.HomeClub

    FROM (SELECT attribute.PersonMembership.PersonId, ISNULL(org.OrganizationName, N'Individual') AS HomeClub, attribute.PersonMembership.MembershipTypeId,

    attribute.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber, attribute.PersonMembership.EndDate

    FROM attribute.PersonMembership LEFT OUTER JOIN

    USFSA.dbo.SOP10100 AS invWork ON attribute.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber = invWork.SOPNUMBE LEFT OUTER JOIN

    USFSA.dbo.SOP30200 AS invHist ON attribute.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber = invHist.SOPNUMBE INNER JOIN

    lookup.MemberTypes AS mt ON mt.Id = attribute.PersonMembership.MembershipTypeId AND mt.MemberGroup = 'Regular Member' LEFT OUTER JOIN

    entity.Organization AS org ON org.Id = attribute.PersonMembership.OrganizationId

    WHERE (attribute.PersonMembership.CreatedDate > DATEADD(day, - 120, GETDATE())) AND (SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND

    SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710' OR

    SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710')) AS pm INNER JOIN

    entity.Person AS person ON person.Id = pm.PersonId LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.TitlePrefix ON person.PrefixId = lookup.TitlePrefix.Id AND lookup.TitlePrefix.Id > 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.TitleSuffix ON person.SuffixId = lookup.TitleSuffix.Id AND lookup.TitleSuffix.Id > 0 INNER JOIN

    attribute.Address AS addr ON person.PrimaryAddressId = addr.Id LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.AddressSubUnit AS unit ON unit.Id = addr.SubUnitTypeId AND addr.SubUnitTypeId <> 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.State AS addrState ON addr.StateId = addrState.Id LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.Country ON addr.CountryId = lookup.Country.Id AND addr.CountryId > 0 AND addr.CountryId <> 42

    ORDER BY addr.PostalCode

    How do I change this for user input for the date range?

    WHERE (attribute.PersonMembership.CreatedDate > DATEADD(day, - 120, GETDATE())) AND (SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND

    SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710' OR

    SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710')) AS pm INNER JOIN

  • Create 2 variables for the start and end dates of your range and use those instead of the hard coded dates you used.

    How is the user going to interact with the query to supply the dates?

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

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    For best practices on asking questions, please read the following article: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Alvin Ramard (8/25/2015)

    Create 2 variables for the start and end dates of your range and use those instead of the hard coded dates you used.

    How is the user going to interact with the query to supply the dates?

    Right, and looking for the correct way to do that.

    I tried a couple different ways

    [From Date] and [To Date] (Which is used in Access but not in SQL)

    as well as {From Date} and {To Date}

    I've tried searching a few different ways but can't seem to find something I understand / works as thought.

    This code will be used in Excel. Using the External source link.

  • serviceaellis (8/25/2015)

    Alvin Ramard (8/25/2015)

    Create 2 variables for the start and end dates of your range and use those instead of the hard coded dates you used.

    How is the user going to interact with the query to supply the dates?

    Right, and looking for the correct way to do that.

    I tried a couple different ways

    [From Date] and [To Date] (Which is used in Access but not in SQL)

    as well as {From Date} and {To Date}

    I've tried searching a few different ways but can't seem to find something I understand / works as thought.

    This code will be used in Excel. Using the External source link.

    Are you saying you don't know how to create and use variables in SQL?

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

    All my SSC forum answers come with a money back guarantee. If you didn't like the answer then I'll gladly refund what you paid for it.

    For best practices on asking questions, please read the following article: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • This code will be used in Excel. Using the External source link.

    maybe best if you explain how you are expecting Excel and SQL to interact first....then we can move on

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • J Livingston SQL (8/25/2015)

    This code will be used in Excel. Using the External source link.

    maybe best if you explain how you are expecting Excel and SQL to interact first....then we can move on

    If the query will come from Excel, then you might want to start here:

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

    All my SSC forum answers come with a money back guarantee. If you didn't like the answer then I'll gladly refund what you paid for it.

    For best practices on asking questions, please read the following article: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • The issue, I think for me, is it's subquery. Therefore, the way I know how to link the SQL in Excel, you do not see those fields in question.

    If they were, I know how to do the parameter in Excel against visible fields.

    Don't know if that made sense.

    To me, when I link the SQL or apply, etc ... the fields that are produced in Excel does not include the dates in question. So I do not know how to then set a parameter using the Add Criteria in Excel's MS Query.

  • I remember that Excel is hard to deal with when you have a query that cannot be expressed visually.

    I have had to create macros before, that would read the parameters from given cell to create the query that would be executed using ADO. The macro would then write the results to the worksheet.

    Excel can be great sometimes, but a pain some other times.

    Alvin Ramard
    Memphis PASS Chapter[/url]

    All my SSC forum answers come with a money back guarantee. If you didn't like the answer then I'll gladly refund what you paid for it.

    For best practices on asking questions, please read the following article: Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • out of curiosity....what is the size of the data you are dealing number of rows in your tables?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • J Livingston SQL (8/25/2015)

    out of curiosity....what is the size of the data you are dealing number of rows in your tables?

    in the date range there's 36,501 records

  • I realize this is a SQL forum and why I've only shared the SQL.

    And in SSMS it produces the results.

    However in Excel there's this Function:

    Sub Button1_Click()

    Dim StartingBatchDate As String, EndingBatchDate As String, Split1 As String, Split2 As String, Split3 As String, Split4 As String, AdditionalMemberNumbers As String

    StartingBatchDate = Range("B2")

    EndingBatchDate = Range("B3")

    With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("RegularMemberships").OLEDBConnection

    Split1 = "SELECT DISTINCT person.MembershipNumber, " & _

    "person.FirstName + ' ' + person.LastName as NAME, person.FirstName, person.RegionId as REGION" & _

    "addr.StreetOne, addr.StreetTwo, ISNULL(unit.description, '') + ' ' + addr.Subunit 'Unit', addr.City + ', ' + addrState.Code + ' ' + addr.PostalCode 'CityStateZip', addrState.Code 'State', Country.Description 'Country', " & _

    "pm.HomeClub, CONVERT( char(10), pm.EndDate, 101 ) EndDate, addr.PostalCode "

    Split2 = "FROM ( SELECT PersonId, ISNULL( OrganizationName, 'Individual' ) HomeClub, MembershipTypeId, InvoiceNumber, EndDate " & _

    "FROM attribute.PersonMembership pm " & _

    "LEFT JOIN USFSA.dbo.SOP10100 invWork ON InvoiceNumber = invWork.SOPNUMBE " & _

    "LEFT JOIN USFSA.dbo.SOP30200 invHist ON InvoiceNumber = invHist.SOPNUMBE " & _

    "JOIN lookup.MemberTypes mt ON mt.Id = PersonMembership.MembershipTypeId AND MemberGroup = 'Regular Member' " & _

    "LEFT JOIN entity.Organization org ON org.Id = PersonMembership.OrganizationId " & _

    "WHERE "

    Split3 = " PersonMembership.CreatedDate > DATEADD( day, -120, GETDATE() ) AND " & _

    " ( ( SUBSTRING( invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8 ) >= '" + StartingBatchDate + "' AND SUBSTRING( invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8 ) <= '" + EndingBatchDate + "' ) " & _

    "OR ( SUBSTRING( invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8 ) >= '" + StartingBatchDate + "' AND SUBSTRING( invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8 ) <= '" + EndingBatchDate + "' ) ) ) pm "

    Split4 = "JOIN entity.Person person ON person.Id = pm.PersonId " & _

    "LEFT JOIN lookup.TitlePrefix ON person.PrefixId = TitlePrefix.Id AND TitlePrefix.Id > 0 " & _

    "LEFT JOIN lookup.TitleSuffix ON person.SuffixId = TitleSuffix.Id AND TitleSuffix.Id > 0 " & _

    "JOIN attribute.Address addr ON person.PrimaryAddressId = addr.Id " & _

    "LEFT JOIN lookup.AddressSubunit unit ON = Addr.SubunitTypeId AND addr.SubunitTypeId <> 0 " & _

    "LEFT JOIN lookup.State addrState ON addr.StateId = addrState.Id " & _

    "LEFT JOIN lookup.Country ON addr.CountryId = Country.Id AND addr.CountryId > 0 AND addr.CountryId <> 42 " & _

    "ORDER BY addr.PostalCode"

    .CommandText = Split1 + Split2 + Split3 + Split4

    End With


    End Sub

    I cannot figure out what it is. When I click on Debug it takes me to the Module and to this line

    [Select Code] copy to clipboard


    In the Properties under Connection, the SQL works. Verified it on SQL Server Management Studio 2014.

    Help would be appreciated.

    Here's the SQL that works as is in the Connection Properties for the Excel Macro:

    [Select Code] copy to clipboard


    person.MembershipNumber, person.FirstName + ' ' + person.LastName AS NAME, person.FirstName, person.RegionId AS REGION,

    addr.StreetOne, addr.StreetTwo, ISNULL(unit.Description, '') + ' ' + addr.SubUnit AS 'Unit', addr.City + ', ' + addrState.Code + ' ' + addr.PostalCode AS 'CityStateZip',

    addrState.Code AS 'State', lookup.Country.Description AS 'Country', CONVERT(char(10), pm.EndDate, 101) AS EndDate, addr.PostalCode, pm.HomeClub

    FROM (SELECT attribute.PersonMembership.PersonId, ISNULL(org.OrganizationName, N'Individual') AS HomeClub, attribute.PersonMembership.MembershipTypeId,

    attribute.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber, attribute.PersonMembership.EndDate

    FROM attribute.PersonMembership LEFT OUTER JOIN

    USFSA.dbo.SOP10100 AS invWork ON attribute.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber = invWork.SOPNUMBE LEFT OUTER JOIN

    USFSA.dbo.SOP30200 AS invHist ON attribute.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber = invHist.SOPNUMBE INNER JOIN

    lookup.MemberTypes AS mt ON mt.Id = attribute.PersonMembership.MembershipTypeId AND mt.MemberGroup = 'Regular Member' LEFT OUTER JOIN

    entity.Organization AS org ON org.Id = attribute.PersonMembership.OrganizationId

    WHERE (attribute.PersonMembership.CreatedDate > DATEADD(day, - 120, GETDATE())) AND (SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND

    SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710' OR

    SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710')) AS pm INNER JOIN

    entity.Person AS person ON person.Id = pm.PersonId LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.TitlePrefix ON person.PrefixId = lookup.TitlePrefix.Id AND lookup.TitlePrefix.Id > 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.TitleSuffix ON person.SuffixId = lookup.TitleSuffix.Id AND lookup.TitleSuffix.Id > 0 INNER JOIN

    attribute.Address AS addr ON person.PrimaryAddressId = addr.Id LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.AddressSubUnit AS unit ON unit.Id = addr.SubUnitTypeId AND addr.SubUnitTypeId <> 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.State AS addrState ON addr.StateId = addrState.Id LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.Country ON addr.CountryId = lookup.Country.Id AND addr.CountryId > 0 AND addr.CountryId <> 42

    ORDER BY addr.PostalCode

    Last edited by supportservice; Today at 10:31 AM.

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    Today, 10:40 AM #2


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    Re: Incorrect syntax?

    just a little confused....the only thing I see "weird" is, in the SQL on the line where "pm", you have a few +'s and I'm wondering if they should be &'s....

    but you say the SQL is working so I'm not sure exactly what's going on..

    I could be totally off base...


    Please consider adding a * if I helped

    Nothing drives me crazy - I'm alway close enough to walk....

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    Today, 11:11 AM #3


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    Re: Incorrect syntax?

    Since I'm not that familiar with working with either, what I did try is the SQL and it produces the results.

    But do not see what could be wrong on the Excel side.

    All I know is that it's erroring on 'pm' somewhere.

    hope someone can see what and where the 'pm' is a problem

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    Today, 11:38 AM #4


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    Re: Incorrect syntax?

    This is the SQL:

    [Select Code] copy to clipboard


    person.MembershipNumber, person.FirstName + ' ' + person.LastName AS NAME, person.FirstName, person.RegionId AS REGION,

    addr.StreetOne, addr.StreetTwo, ISNULL(unit.Description, '') + ' ' + addr.SubUnit AS 'Unit', addr.City + ', ' + addrState.Code + ' ' + addr.PostalCode AS 'CityStateZip',

    addrState.Code AS 'State', lookup.Country.Description AS 'Country', CONVERT(char(10), pm.EndDate, 101) AS EndDate, addr.PostalCode, pm.HomeClub

    FROM (SELECT attribute.PersonMembership.PersonId, ISNULL(org.OrganizationName, N'Individual') AS HomeClub, attribute.PersonMembership.MembershipTypeId,

    attribute.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber, attribute.PersonMembership.EndDate

    FROM attribute.PersonMembership LEFT OUTER JOIN

    USFSA.dbo.SOP10100 AS invWork ON attribute.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber = invWork.SOPNUMBE LEFT OUTER JOIN

    USFSA.dbo.SOP30200 AS invHist ON attribute.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber = invHist.SOPNUMBE INNER JOIN

    lookup.MemberTypes AS mt ON mt.Id = attribute.PersonMembership.MembershipTypeId AND mt.MemberGroup = 'Regular Member' LEFT OUTER JOIN

    entity.Organization AS org ON org.Id = attribute.PersonMembership.OrganizationId

    WHERE (attribute.PersonMembership.CreatedDate > DATEADD(day, - 120, GETDATE())) AND (SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND

    SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710' OR

    SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710')) AS pm INNER JOIN

    entity.Person AS person ON person.Id = pm.PersonId LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.TitlePrefix ON person.PrefixId = lookup.TitlePrefix.Id AND lookup.TitlePrefix.Id > 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.TitleSuffix ON person.SuffixId = lookup.TitleSuffix.Id AND lookup.TitleSuffix.Id > 0 INNER JOIN

    attribute.Address AS addr ON person.PrimaryAddressId = addr.Id LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.AddressSubUnit AS unit ON unit.Id = addr.SubUnitTypeId AND addr.SubUnitTypeId <> 0 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.State AS addrState ON addr.StateId = addrState.Id LEFT OUTER JOIN

    lookup.Country ON addr.CountryId = lookup.Country.Id AND addr.CountryId > 0 AND addr.CountryId <> 42

    ORDER BY addr.PostalCode

    How about this ...

    How do I change this for user input for the date range portion?

    [Select Code] copy to clipboard

    WHERE (attribute.PersonMembership.CreatedDate > DATEADD(day, - 120, GETDATE())) AND (SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND

    SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710' OR

    SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710')) AS pm INNER JOIN

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    Today, 12:37 PM #5


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    Re: Incorrect syntax?

    a few questions...

    1) are you still getting the error?

    2) are you running this SQL (post #4) from an XL Macro?

    I use the code below for Oracle SQL when running from a PL/SQL window (NOT XL)

    [Select Code] copy to clipboard


    this technique prompts the user for input

    [Select Code] copy to clipboard

    WHERE (attribute.PersonMembership.CreatedDate > DATEADD(day, - 120, GETDATE())) AND (SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '20150601' AND

    SUBSTRING(invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '&&JDATE' OR

    SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) >= '&&JDATE2' AND SUBSTRING(invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8) <= '20150710')) AS pm INNER JOIN

    in XL I would create a variable and use INPUTBOX to ask the user for the date

    then change your code to the following:

    [Select Code] copy to clipboard

    StartingBatchDate = INPUTBOX("Enter Start date")

    EndingBatchDate = INPUTBOX("Enter stop date")

    With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("RegularMemberships").OLEDBConnection

    Split1 = "SELECT DISTINCT person.MembershipNumber, " & _

    "person.FirstName + ' ' + person.LastName as NAME, person.FirstName, person.RegionId as REGION" & _

    "addr.StreetOne, addr.StreetTwo, ISNULL(unit.description, '') + ' ' + addr.Subunit 'Unit', addr.City + ', ' + addrState.Code + ' ' + addr.PostalCode 'CityStateZip', addrState.Code 'State', Country.Description 'Country', " & _

    "pm.HomeClub, CONVERT( char(10), pm.EndDate, 101 ) EndDate, addr.PostalCode "

    Split2 = "FROM ( SELECT PersonId, ISNULL( OrganizationName, 'Individual' ) HomeClub, MembershipTypeId, InvoiceNumber, EndDate " & _

    "FROM attribute.PersonMembership pm " & _

    "LEFT JOIN USFSA.dbo.SOP10100 invWork ON InvoiceNumber = invWork.SOPNUMBE " & _

    "LEFT JOIN USFSA.dbo.SOP30200 invHist ON InvoiceNumber = invHist.SOPNUMBE " & _

    "JOIN lookup.MemberTypes mt ON mt.Id = PersonMembership.MembershipTypeId AND MemberGroup = 'Regular Member' " & _

    "LEFT JOIN entity.Organization org ON org.Id = PersonMembership.OrganizationId " & _

    "WHERE "

    Split3 = " PersonMembership.CreatedDate > DATEADD( day, -120, GETDATE() ) AND " & _

    " ( ( SUBSTRING( invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8 ) >= '" & StartingBatchDate & "' AND SUBSTRING( invWork.BACHNUMB, 1, 8 ) <= '" + EndingBatchDate + "' ) " & _

    "OR ( SUBSTRING( invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8 ) >= '" & StartingBatchDate & "' AND SUBSTRING( invHist.BACHNUMB, 1, 8 ) <= '" + EndingBatchDate + "' ) ) ) pm "

    Split4 = "JOIN entity.Person person ON person.Id = pm.PersonId " & _

    "LEFT JOIN lookup.TitlePrefix ON person.PrefixId = TitlePrefix.Id AND TitlePrefix.Id > 0 " & _

    "LEFT JOIN lookup.TitleSuffix ON person.SuffixId = TitleSuffix.Id AND TitleSuffix.Id > 0 " & _

    "JOIN attribute.Address addr ON person.PrimaryAddressId = addr.Id " & _

    "LEFT JOIN lookup.AddressSubunit unit ON = Addr.SubunitTypeId AND addr.SubunitTypeId <> 0 " & _

    "LEFT JOIN lookup.State addrState ON addr.StateId = addrState.Id " & _

    "LEFT JOIN lookup.Country ON addr.CountryId = Country.Id AND addr.CountryId > 0 AND addr.CountryId <> 42 " & _

    "ORDER BY addr.PostalCode"

    .CommandText = Split1 + Split2 + Split3 + Split4

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    Today, 01:28 PM #6


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    Re: Incorrect syntax?

    I will try that ...

    Anyone know why I am getting the error though?

    [Select Code]

    Run-time error 1004

    Incorrect syntax near 'pm'

    If that can be found and fixed, trying to change and do the input parameters will be moot.

    I was going for the input parameters if can't find the resolution to the original error.

    However if using the same code and modifying for the date prompts, the error will still exist.

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    And getting an error

    Run-time error 1004

    Incorrect syntax near 'pm'

    which I cannot figure it why or where and fix it.

    Ultimately if that's fixed, everything else is moot.

  • serviceaellis (8/25/2015)

    J Livingston SQL (8/25/2015)

    out of curiosity....what is the size of the data you are dealing number of rows in your tables?

    in the date range there's 36,501 records

    and with out the date range

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Sorry, I'm not following on the relevance of how many records there are.

    issue is with a syntax error.

    otherwise would like to find how to set the hard date range to user input parameters.

  • serviceaellis (8/25/2015)

    Sorry, I'm not following on the relevance of how many records there are.

    issue is with a syntax error.

    otherwise would like to find how to set the hard date range to user input parameters.

    not a problem... I posted my followup question on total number of rows before i saw you post explaining that your post is actually about an Excel Function

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Anyone see why there's a syntax error on 'pm' from the function?

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