Select Permission Error On A Insert Statement

  • Any of you have run to a select permission error when attempting insert data to a table. received the following error

    Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Line 11

    The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'tableName', database 'DBname', schema 'Schema'.

    Few things to note

    - There are no triggers depending on the table

    - Permissions are granted at a roll level which is rolled down to the login

    - The test environments have the same level of permission which works fine.

    Any advice would be appreciated 🙂

  • jude.pieries (7/28/2015)

    Any of you have run to a select permission error when attempting insert data to a table. received the following error

    Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Line 11

    The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'tableName', database 'DBname', schema 'Schema'.

    Few things to note

    - There are no triggers depending on the table

    - Permissions are granted at a roll level which is rolled down to the login

    - The test environments have the same level of permission which works fine.

    Any advice would be appreciated 🙂

    Can you post the insert statement? Maybe there is a trigger on the table you trying to insert into? Without more details than this nobody can do much here.


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  • Hi Sean

    Thanks for responding,

    1.) The query is a pretty straight forward LLBEGEN query


    declare @Sequence int ,

    @A1 uniqueidentifier = newguid() -- can be any guide value

    ,@A2 varchar(100) = 'BS'

    ,@A3 uniqueidentifier = newguid() -- can be any guide value

    ,@A4 int = 5

    ,@A5 datetime = getutcdate()


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Statistics] ([Col1], [Col2], [Col3], [Col4], [Col5)

    VALUES (@A1, @A2, @A3, @A4, @A5);SELECT @Sequence=SCOPE_IDENTITY()

    -- rollback

    FYI , the Scope_identity() doesn't contribute to the error 🙂

    2.) yes, i had already looked for triggers and found none

    SELECT as Table_Name

    , as Trigger_Name

    , TRIG.is_disabled

    FROM [sys].[triggers] as TRIG

    inner join sys.tables as TAB

    on TRIG.parent_id = TAB.object_id

    where = 'tablename'

  • are you using always on and failover cluster?

    are db_datareader and db_datawriter set on the user?

  • - Yep, this is popping up on a db that's participating on AG. I am curious to know why you asked this question. I wouldn't have thought this could have contributed, but there is always some wired shit

    - The application user inherits permission from the DB role which is granted the desired permissions

  • I'm sure you have already looked into it, but I have made the mistake in the past where I would try to update on the node were in the DB in question was not a primary on that node.

  • I tested it and it was a different error.... See attached

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