Print and Update IsPrint/User/Time Values to Database Tabel ?

  • Hi All,

    I have Print Button on click rendered output PDF Format.

    I have another table in the database named as tbllogPrint having columns Authenticated/user,isprinted,PrintTime,printflag.

    Can I do some ReportServer settings which can do the database update to the tbllogPrint and the set userdetail/isPrinted/PrintTime/PrintFlag

    Or any other way i can achieve this .. i will really admire any help in this regard.



  • I doubt it. The problem is that the only way (I can think of) to write back to a table is through a stored procedure, and once the stored procedure is executed, it just passes the results to SSRS as a dataset and lets SSRS deal with it.

    Maybe you could do it inside your stored procedure. Something stupid like add a @PrintYN parameter and if yes, execute the code that writes back the "log record".

    CREATE PROC getMyData


    ,@PrintYN BIT


    <select query>

    IF @PrintYN = 1


    /* add logging code */


  • I don't know if it is possible to create a subscription on run time and remove ? Will do this job for me.

    But looks i am pogoing. Thanks you snag some time on my issue.

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