merge last column same as first in rdlc report

  • hello every One,

    i am try since 2 days to sort out this Using RDLC report.

    I tried to create it using Grouping but its shows like this (In Demo_001.jpg):

    here is the image which i want(In Demo2_001.jpg):

    is it possible.

    please guide me its argent.

  • Hi

    Is it only for printing or display ?

    I think it is just a merge.spli issue.

    Did you try right click on the last cellule the one you want to split or merge

    ? and choose split or merge?

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

  • thanks 4 response,

    actually i am creating RDLC report in and sql server in back end.

    the code are :

    Public Sub Show_ReportCLASS_WISE()

    sqlQRY = "Select rollnumber,stuname,subject,status From ExamAtt WHERE" _

    & "[session] = '" & Me.session.Text & "' AND" _

    & "[course] LIKE '%" & Me.course.Text & "' AND" _

    & "[subject] Like '%" & Me.subject.Text & "' AND" _

    & "[rollnumber] Like '%" & Me.cmbRN.Text & "' AND" _

    & "[papercode] Like '%" & Me.cmbpapercode.Text & "' AND" _

    & "[status] Like '" & Me.category.Text & "%' AND" _

    & "[ufmstatus] Like '" & Me.ufmstatus.Text & "%' ORDER BY rollnumber,exdate,paper "

    ds = New DataSet

    da = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlQRY, Conn)

    da.Fill(ds, "ExamAtt")

    RDLCreportview.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = Application.StartupPath & "\Report\subsummary.rdlc"

    sReportDataSource.Name = "DataSet1"

    sReportDataSource.Value = ds.Tables(0)

    RDLCreportview.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = Application.StartupPath & "\Report\subsummary.rdlc"


    Dim rpsession As New ReportParameter()

    rpsession.Name = "session"

    rpsession.Values.Add("" & Me.course.Text & " Students Exam Attendance Detail - " & session.Text & "")

    Dim parameters() As ReportParameter = {rpsession}





    ds = Nothing




    End Sub

    Now these all columns are using as grouping in RDLC report like in attach a image.

    i just want to print it with adding list column manually for signature.

    please help me for this.

    thanks in advance

  • I thought it was a rdl

    Sorry but what is a rdlc?

    You designed it with report builder or bids?

    If yes I think the problem is on the layout of the report.

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

  • thanks 4 response,

    i designed it for understanding my requirement in excel.

    by the way RDLC is a windows form reporting service in desktop application in vs 2010.

    please guide me is it possible or not.

    thanks in advance.

  • OK I understand better

    I need to see the layout of your report to see how you made it

    Did you try to select the last cells right click on it and choose split?

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

  • thanks man 4 response,

    here is the layout attached.

    waiting 4 ur guideline.

  • OK thanks for posting

    Try deleting the last column the signature one

    Recreate it following these steps

    Select the cell "status"

    Then right click on it

    Add a column inside group

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

  • thanks 4 response,

    No, its not solve yet.

    If i add column next to subject its work but adding column next to status NOT works.

    please guide me.

  • send me your rdl if you can

    I will try to do it using report builder

    What version do u use ?

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

  • thanks 4 response,

    its not RDL its RDLC.

    here i am attaching it.

    please solve my problem.

    thanks again

  • thank

    its not rdl its rdlc

    here i am attaching it

    kindly solve it

  • I have managed to edit it using reportin builder

    Is the finla result has to look like the demo or demo2 ? I am quite confused because what you write on your first post does reflect the final result

    I also see you created a matrix and not a table

    Is it ok ?

    The last column named "Signature" has to be deleted ?

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

  • Is this the final result you wanted ?

    see picture

    :w00t: !!!GOOGLE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! :w00t:

  • Thanks 4 response

    YES, I want just like u showed in attached image (test_02.jpg).

    Please guide me or give me a demo.

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