MDX Query Roll-Up

  • Can I add a roll-up aggregete in MDX query (not the customized roll-up in cube design).

    For example, using Adventure Works DW 2008R2 database, I ran the following query

    select [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] on columns,

    [Product].[Product Line].Children on rows

    from [Adventure Works]

    and have the result

    //Internet Sales Amount






    I want to roll up the numbers to Accessory and NonAccessory. The only way I have is:

    With MEMBER Measures.Accessory AS

    sum([Product].[Product Line].&, [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])

    Member Measures.NonAccessory AS


    [Product].[Product Line].Children

    , [Product].[Product Line].&

    ), [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])

    select {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount], Measures.Accessory, Measures.NonAccessory} on columns

    from [Adventure Works]

    and the result is

    //Internet Sales AmountAccessoryNonAccessory


    Is it possible to have a result like

    //MainProductLine Internet Sales Amount

    //AccessoryAccessory $604,053.30





    In other words, is it possible to add a rollup on the fly without changing the cube design?

  • This'll do it:

    WITH MEMBER [Accessories]


    CASE WHEN [Product].[Product Line].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBERVALUE = 'Accessory' THEN "Accessory"

    ELSE "Non Accessory"



    {[Accessories],[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]} ON 0,

    [Product].[Product Line].[Product Line] ON 1


    [Adventure Works]

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