SSRS User does not have required permissions

  • I've got a Server setup at work on our RD domain

    It's Windows 2012, running SQL Server 2012 with reporting Services

    I've installed our application and reports to this server.

    If I'm on my CORP domain on my development laptop I can enter the following into IE and the SSRS reports page opens up fine

    I then RDP into this server using my same CORP credentials

    Open IE on this server and enter the same URL within IE and get

    User 'CORPORATE\joep' does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.

    I'm on the Server itself. Why does my account not work there, but when I access SSRS from outside this SERVER with same login, it works



  • I don't why this happens but I seem to fix these issues by adding my AD account to the site settings.

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