calculate Hash value

  • Hi ,

    I want to calculate the Hash value of below columns.

    I have table having below columns

    [Equipment_Id] + [EquipmentCompCode] + [EquipmentUnitNo] + [EquipmentSerialNo] + [EquipmentPlateNo] + [EquipmentExpireDate]+ [EquipmentState] + [EquipmentAxles] + [EquipmentDesc] + [EquipmentType] + [EquipmentMDT] + [EquipmentOwner] + [EquipmentMakeYear]

    + [EquipmentLocation] + [EquipmentWeight] + [EquipmentSize] + [EquipmentRadioSerial] + [EquipmentEngineSerial] + [EquipmentTransSerial]

    + [EquipmentCode] + [CreateDate] + [ModifiedDate]

    column data type of both int as well as varchar.

    please suggest me the syntax of same.

  • vipin_jha123 (5/15/2015)

    Hi ,

    I want to calculate the Hash value of below columns.

    I have table having below columns

    [Equipment_Id] + [EquipmentCompCode] + [EquipmentUnitNo] + [EquipmentSerialNo] + [EquipmentPlateNo] + [EquipmentExpireDate]+ [EquipmentState] + [EquipmentAxles] + [EquipmentDesc] + [EquipmentType] + [EquipmentMDT] + [EquipmentOwner] + [EquipmentMakeYear]

    + [EquipmentLocation] + [EquipmentWeight] + [EquipmentSize] + [EquipmentRadioSerial] + [EquipmentEngineSerial] + [EquipmentTransSerial]

    + [EquipmentCode] + [CreateDate] + [ModifiedDate]

    column data type of both int as well as varchar.

    please suggest me the syntax of same.

    Quick questions:

    1) Version of SQL Server / SSIS?

    2) What type of Hash (CHECKSUM, MD5, SHAx etc.)

    3) What is the collision tolerance? (are duplicate hashes ok?)


    On SQL Server 2012 and later use the CONCAT function otherwise cast non-character values to characters in the concatination.

  • You can use HASHBYTES.


  • vipin_jha123 (5/15/2015)

    Hi ,

    I want to calculate the Hash value of below columns.

    I have table having below columns

    [Equipment_Id] + [EquipmentCompCode] + [EquipmentUnitNo] + [EquipmentSerialNo] + [EquipmentPlateNo] + [EquipmentExpireDate]+ [EquipmentState] + [EquipmentAxles] + [EquipmentDesc] + [EquipmentType] + [EquipmentMDT] + [EquipmentOwner] + [EquipmentMakeYear]

    + [EquipmentLocation] + [EquipmentWeight] + [EquipmentSize] + [EquipmentRadioSerial] + [EquipmentEngineSerial] + [EquipmentTransSerial]

    + [EquipmentCode] + [CreateDate] + [ModifiedDate]

    column data type of both int as well as varchar.

    please suggest me the syntax of same.

    Care to elaborate any further as previously requested?


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