Change in Query

  • I am using this query. It gives me Total bytes and Free bytes in MB. I want to include free % in same query, But I am not able to do so. It is giving me either 0 or different values. Can anyone help here

    I am trying the commented part for free %.

    SELECT @@SERVERNAME as 'Servername',

    (((SUM(total_bytes))/1024)/1024)/1024 as 'Total_space(In MB)' ,

    (((SUM(available_bytes))/1024)/1024)/1024 as 'Available_space (in MB)',

    /* ( ( (SUM(total_bytes)) / (SUM(available_bytes)) ) *100) as 'Free SPace in %' */

    FROM master.sys.master_files AS f

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_os_volume_stats(f.database_id, f.file_id)

    where f.file_id=1 and f.database_id > 4 and Volume_mount_point like '%S%'

    Sagar Sonawane
    ** Every DBA has his day!!:cool:

  • I'm guessing it's due to the underlying columns being of INT datatype

    SELECTServerName = @@SERVERNAME,

    TotalSpaceMB = SUM(CA1.total_bytes),

    AvailableSpaceMB = SUM(CA1.available_bytes),

    --Integer Maths will return 0

    SUM(CA1.available_bytes) / SUM(CA1.total_bytes),


    SUM(0E + CA1.available_bytes) / SUM(0E + CA1.total_bytes),

    SUM(0E + CA1.available_bytes) / SUM(0E + CA1.total_bytes) * 100

    FROMmaster.sys.master_files AS MF

    CROSSAPPLYmaster.sys.dm_os_volume_stats(MF.database_id, MF.file_id) AS CA1;

  • See the difference


    @total INT = 5

    ,@free INT = 4

    SELECT @free/@total*100 AS INTEGER_ARITHM

    , (0.+@free)/@total*100 AS NUMERIC_ARITHM

    You also may convert it explicitly using exactly precsion you need.

  • Thank you Very Much. It worked.

    Sagar Sonawane
    ** Every DBA has his day!!:cool:

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