server detection

  • 1.The execute SQL task grabs Server names from a SQL table.

    2.Foreach loop container holds the server names and loops through it using a variable currentserver.

    3.The currentserver variable value is passed to the standardinputvariable in the execute process task.

    Execute Process task uses ping.exe to ping each of the server names in the standardinputvariable.

    4.If the ping is a success how do I pass that servername to execute sql task to be inserted into a SQL table

    serverpingresult (success,failure) into the success column.

    5.If the ping is a success how do I pass that servername to execute sql task to be inserted into a SQL table

    serverpingresult (success,failure) into the failure column.

    Can I do the above 4th and 5th step using precedence constraint editor between execute process task and execute sql task in the below picture.


  • Whats your variable and connection settings?

    Need more information.

  • I have 2 variables.

    One variable(ADO object) to list of server names in the forloop container and other variable to loop through the ADO object.

  • Put your connection in a Variable [Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Data Source=xxx;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=msdb]. Then go to the propertie of your Execute SQL Task Editor --> then go to Expressions --> Click on ... --> find your variable en press ok.

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