database mirroring connection handshake failed

  • I configured a database mirroring on SQL server 2008 R2 on test environment. However It was not working, after some time. I deleted the mirroring configuration and also deleted database on both primary and mirror instance.

    few days later I notices, On Primary, Continuous error events logged with message "database mirroring attempt by user 'domain\service account' failed with error 'connection handshake failed, 'domain\service account' does not have permission on the endpoint state 84.

    I want to get rid of this message. Your suggestions are much appreciated

  • Hi,

    Check to see if the mirroring endpoint still exists and drop it if it does

    DROP ENDPOINT endPointName


  • Yes.

    There was end point exist. I dropped the endpoint. The issues is solved

    Thanks Matt,

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