NON SQL Server version specific connectivity issue. Is 2014 SSMS broke, or soemthing else

  • I have two machines. One is setup for 2012 SQL server development, another is setup for 2014

    On the 2012 box in SSMS, I can connect to a SQL 2005 server via Webserver1\Webserver1

    On the 2014 box in SSMS, I can only connect to that same server by specifying the Server with the port Webserver1\WebServer1, 2007

    If I try without the port. I get an error 'A network-relate or instance-specific error occurred while stabling a connection. The server was not found or was not accessible.... (provider: SQL Network interfaces, error 26- error locating server/instance specified)

    I was told the servers were clustered and that the name is an alias.

    Following instructions based on a google search, when I run Portquery with

    "Portquery.exe -n WebServer1 -p UDP -e 2007"


    UDP port 1434 (ms-sql-m service): LISTENING or FILTERED

    Sending SQL Server query to UDP port 1434...

    UDP port 1434 (ms-sql-m service): FILTERED

    "Portquery.exe -n WebServer1 -p UDP -e 2007" I get (unknown server: Listening or Filtered


    UDP port 2700 (unknown service): LISTENING or FILTERED

    This does not make sense to me since the results for the port 1434 check look more promising than the check on port 2007. But the only way I can connect is with port 2007 added. Using 1434 says "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"


  • You must have some alias on the first machine.

    UDP 1434 is the listener for the browser service. It lets you know things are working. The connection (by default) is on TCP 1433, which is what SQL looks for. If it's a named instance, the UDP connection to the Browser service should return the port to SSMS (or your client library) with the actual port needed to connect on.

  • I believe the alias is webserver1 for the entire cluster.

    But why do I need to specify a port when connecting through SSMS 2014 and not in SSMS 2012?

    Do you think the device that directs requests to the cluster is sending my SSMS 2014 request to a different server in the cluster that does not have some service running or port opened?

  • I think you might have a 2012 alias set up on your client.

  • I check both machines and I do not have any aliases created in either of the SSCMs clients.

  • I have it fixed. I had to disable the firewall on my Windows Server 2012 R2 machine that had the 2014 tools installed. It seems that either my request going out to the browser services or the info coming in, was being blocked. I would have thought that when I installed the tools that it would have asked me if it could open the ports or done it automatically for me so the tools would work. I am surprised more people have not reported this either. I will experiment with re-enabling the firewall and opening the ports to see which one it was causing the issue.

    Enabling UDP Remote port 1434 for the local and remote port gets me connected.

  • Thanks for the update. Hadn't thought of the firewall, and I thought that it was opened by SSMS, but perhaps not. I'll have to try and see.

    What OS?

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

  • That's it. I don't believe the UAC on any server OSes notifies you to open ports. The client versions (7, 8) seem to ask you to open the firewall.

    Apologies, I just realized you mentioned this was WS2012. I misread thinking that was the server, not client.

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