Concatenate multiple rows from one table, associated to column in second table having multiple values

  • Table1 contains a CODES column which may store multiple codes separated by commas.

    The descriptions for these codes are stored individually in a column in in Table2.

    I would like to return the descriptions from Table2 in the same format as the codes from Table1.

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    Stores multiple codes per ID in a single column.


    -- --------------

    01 Code1,Code2,Code3


    Stores the definitions for the codes in Table1


    ----- ---------------

    Code1 Description1

    Code2 Description2

    Code3 Description3


    The tables are what the tables are. Here is what I am trying to accomplish:

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    -- ----------------- --------------------------------------

    01 Code1,etc Description1,Description2,Description3


    I've found two different queries which return each code and associated description by ID in separate rows. Perhaps the next step is to aggregate from this?

    Not a DBA, rather a humble report writer stuck at this point.

  • I've found two different queries which return each code and associated description by ID in separate rows. Perhaps the next step is to aggregate from this?

    Not a DBA, rather a humble report writer stuck at this point.

    Then FOR XML PATH('') is the aggregate you need.

  • Something like,

    CREATE TABLE #ids(id int, codes varchar(30))

    CREATE TABLE #codes(code varchar(30), descript varchar(30))

    INSERT INTO #ids VALUES(1, 'Code1,Code2,Code3')

    INSERT INTO #ids VALUES(2, 'Code1,Code2')

    INSERT INTO #ids VALUES(3, 'Code3')

    INSERT INTO #codes VALUES('Code1', 'Description1'), ('Code2', 'Description2'), ('Code3', 'Description3'), ('Code4', 'Description4')

    SELECT id, LEFT(comb_codes.COL, LEN(comb_codes.COL) -1), LEFT(comb_desc.COL, LEN(comb_desc.COL) -1 ) FROM #ids CROSS APPLY (SELECT (SELECT code + ',' FROM #codes WHERE CHARINDEX(#codes.code, > 0 FOR XML PATH('')) AS COL) comb_codes

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT (SELECT descript + ',' FROM #codes WHERE CHARINDEX(#codes.code, > 0 FOR XML PATH('')) AS COL) comb_desc




  • Thanks for responding, appreciate it.

  • Thanks for responding to my post. I'll check out your suggestion, appreciate your time.

  • Thanks for the response, CELKO.

    ID is a primary key in "Table1". It has (I know, I know) a one-to-one relationship with the ID in a "Persons" table. Therefore, every person who has selected multiple "CODES" within the application has a single record in this table. Hope that clarifies ... a bit. I'd love nothing more than an individual record for every "CODE" per "ID". But it is, I'm fairly certain, an out of the box table for a proprietary software package. Fairly certain as I am new to this application's database structure.

    You're preaching to the choir. As a data retriever happily chasing sticks it is ... like master throwing a bunch of sticks at the same time.

  • I believe the code needs slight corrections to prevent a match on part of the code value rather than whole value, as demonstrated below:

    CREATE TABLE #ids(id int, codes varchar(30))

    CREATE TABLE #codes(code varchar(30), descript varchar(30))

    INSERT INTO #ids VALUES(1, 'Code1,Code2,Code3')

    INSERT INTO #ids VALUES(2, 'Code1,Code2')

    INSERT INTO #ids VALUES(3, 'Code3')

    INSERT INTO #ids VALUES(11, 'Code11')

    INSERT INTO #codes VALUES('Code1', 'Description1'), ('Code2', 'Description2'), ('Code3', 'Description3'), ('Code4', 'Description4')

    ,('Code11', 'Description11')

    SELECT id, LEFT(comb_codes.COL, LEN(comb_codes.COL) -1), LEFT(comb_desc.COL, LEN(comb_desc.COL) -1 )

    FROM #ids

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT (SELECT code + ',' FROM #codes

    WHERE CHARINDEX(#codes.code + ',', + ',') > 0 FOR XML PATH('')) AS COL) comb_codes

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT (SELECT descript + ',' FROM #codes

    WHERE CHARINDEX(#codes.code + ',', + ',') > 0 FOR XML PATH('')) AS COL) comb_desc

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • SSCrazy, you are correct. Without the correction CHARINDEX was finding and returning two code values for for "Literacy"--"IT" and "Literacy".

    Also, I discovered FOR XMLPATH doesn't like strings containing an ampersand. The description "This & That" is returned as "This &[amp]". I've added brackets to amp to make it appear in this post, not sure which IFCode would fix that.

    One row to rule all them codes ... bad, bad, bad.

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