SSRS Setup - Can't Deploy "insufficient for performing this operation"

  • I'm trying to set up a reporting services server and I noticed that the service is running and everything looks pre-setup (probably when IT put it together) so I opened Visual Studio, created a report and the 'Preview' works okay but when I go to deploy it says "The permissions granted to user 'domain\user' are insufficient for performing this operation.". Does anyone have experience with this?

    Everything I've noticed online says that you have to go to the server via the link in the "Report Manager URL" and change some settings for a folder but even when I go to that link through internet explorer it asks for my user and password and doesn't let me in. Help!?

  • Does anyone have any ideas on what I can try? I was thinking that I may have to change the Service Account but I'm not quite sure what that would do...

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