Report Omitting SQL Data

  • I have a stored procedure that returns a simple table with the following columns:

    Type char, Period date, Amount money

    In my RDL report definition, I have two column groups. The first groups on 'Type' with filter set to "Type= 'I'". The second groups on 'Period' with filter set to "Type='H'".

    Running the procedure in SSMS, the result set includes records as follows:

    Type Period Amount

    ----- ------------- ---------

    I 2014-12-31 $500

    I 2014-11-30 $200

    H 2014-12-31 $1500

    H 2014-12-31 $300

    H 2014-11-30 $2300

    H 2014-10-31 $1400

    H 2014-09-30 $700

    and so on...

    However, when I run the report, it only includes periods of November, October and September and omits all records from the month of December, even though the stored procedure returns 2 'H' records in December.

    There are no filters defined for the report other than those specified for the column groups. I even tried re-creating the report with nothing but the two column groups as specified and I get the exact same result.

  • Might sound like a dumb question, but what happens if you add a table to the report and drop the fields into a tablix but don't filter it. Just wondering if the data makes it to your report.

  • If I add a simple table to the report that includes the 3 fields, I see rows for all months including December.

    If I then add a matrix with a single column group on Period, I see a column for every month EXCEPT December.

  • If you're using a matrix, you need at least one Row Group and one Column Group as well as one Aggregate...

    So... this worked for me:

    Row Groups: [PeriodEnd] (or the date column)

    Column Groups: [Trans Type]

    Value: SUM([Amount])

  • I am indeed using a Matrix, but I don't want to group the rows, only the columns. Following your suggestion, I added a simple table to a new report, and I'm seeing the same problem whether I use a Table or a Matrix.

    The problem appears to be related to the filter.

    The dataset returns some number of records in each period from January-December 2014.

    ALL of the records in this sample have a 'Type' field value of 'H'.

    Here is a snapshot from SSMS showing records from November and December.

    The records are sorted in descending order by Period.

    I add a simple table to the RDL with a single Row Group and a column of 'Period'.

    I configure the Row Group to group by 'Period'.

    I add a Filter to include records where 'Type' = 'H'.

    The resulting table does not show any records from December.

    If I remove the filter, the table shows all of the data rows.

  • John,

    Any chance you can upload a copy of your report? The fun part is that you have to provide some data for it. So you have two options:

    1. post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements to populate a dummy table to use as the datasource.

    2. create a union statement inside the report (embedded in the report).

    I'm just not sure what's going on. If you have to show data for a month where there's no data, then the easiest way to do it is to use a Calendar table. Then you do something like this in your query:

    SELECT Calendar.TheYear, Calendar.TheMonth, SUM(OtherTable.Amount)

    FROM Calendar c LEFT JOIN OtherTable ot ON (c.TheYear = ot.TheYear AND c.TheMonth=ot.TheMonth)

    GROUP BY c.TheYear, c.TheMonth

    ORDER BY c.TheYear, c.TheMonth;

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