Formatting fill colour on a cell dependent on the date of another cell

  • Hi all

    I would to format the fill colour of a cell based on the date held in another field - to produce an aged debtor colour range in essence - e.g. if date <= today - 30, then green, if date <= today - 60 and date > today - 30, then amber, etc etc. (that may not make sense but I hope you get the gist). Tried all sorts but although I can use this in the actual query for the report DATEDIFF(DD, STARTDATE, GETDATE()) <= 30, the expression just doesn't like it. Any ideas please? It surely must be possible.

    Look forward to hearing from someone soon!

    Many thanks,


  • for referencing the value from one cell in another cell, have a look at ReportItems:

    Your final expression might be something like DATEDIFF(DD, ReportItems!Textbox1.Value, GETDATE()) <= 30.

  • Hi Jules,

    If the question posted by you is still unanswered, below is what you can do for cell background color.





    Though above is self explanatory, adding below note would do no harm 🙂

    In Fields!Date.value I have Data for three months - current(Apr), current-1, (Mar), current -2, (Feb). I am comparing this Date with current date (referred as NOW or TODAY). if its current month - Green, diff is only 1 month then Orange and if 2 months delayed, a Red would be suitable.

    Hope this helps.

  • Thank you both for your suggestions - I'm off to have a play now.



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