Automate Database Restoration

  • I have a script that I created a powershell script based on a script I found, [Start-Migration][1]. It is a great script and gave me a lot of really good ideas; however I am running into some issues when attempting to restore large databases or databases that take longer than 10 minutes. I have attempted to use both them invoke-sqlcmd2 function I found and the class for the restore for the namespace. both of which are timing out after 10 minutes. I have also tried increasing the connection timeout even setting the connection to 1200. any suggestions would be welcomed.

    Function Restore-SQLDatabase {



    Restores .bak file to SQL database. Creates db if it doesn't exist. $filestructure is

    a custom object that contains logical and physical file locations.


    $filestructure = Get-SQLFileStructures $sourceserver $destserver $ReuseFolderstructure

    Restore-SQLDatabase $destserver $dbname $backupfile $filestructure


    $true if success

    $true if failure




    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]




    $servername = $server.Name

    $server.ConnectionContext.StatementTimeout = 0

    $restore = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Restore"

    foreach($file in $filestructure.databases[$dbname].destination.values) {

    $movefile = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RelocateFile"

    $movefile.LogicalFileName = $file.logical

    $movefile.PhysicalFileName = $file.physical

    $null = $restore.RelocateFiles.Add($movefile)


    Write-Host "Restoring $dbname to $servername" -ForegroundColor Yellow


    $Percent = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.PercentCompleteEventHandler]{

    Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Restoring $dbname to $ServerName" -PercentComplete $_.Percent -Status ([System.String]::Format("Progress: {0}%",$_.Percent))



    $restore.PercentCompleteNotification = 1


    $restore.ReplaceDatabase = $true

    $restore.Database = $dbname

    $restore.Action = "Database"

    $restore.NoRecovery = $false

    $device = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.BackupDeviceItem

    $device.Name = $backupfile

    $device.DeviceType = "File"


    Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Restoring $dbname to $servername" -PercentComplete 0 -Status([System.String]::Format("Progress: {0}%",0))


    # $query = $restore.Script($ServerName)

    # Write-Host $query

    # Invoke-Sqlcmd2 -ServerInstance $servername -Database master -Query $query -ConnectionTimeout 1200

    # Write-Host "Restoring $dbname to $servername from " $restore.Devices.ToString() -ForegroundColor Magenta

    Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Restore $dbname to $servername" -Status "Complete" -Completed

    return $true



    Write-Error $_.Exception.ToString()

    Write-Warning "Restore failed: $($_.Exception.InnerException.Message)"

    return $false


    when the restore process takes place ,$restore.SqlRestore($ServerName), on my larger databases it returns saying that the script timed out. I am trying to figure out how to correct this. I have tried increasing the statementtimeout = 1200 and it still stops after 10 minutes. i even attempted to us an invoke-sqlcmd As you can see I commented it out when trying different options. I am at wits end right now.

  • There is a remote query timeout option that is set to 10 minutes by default within SQL Server. This could be the problem. Unless by connection timeout you're referring to this option.

    Edit: Why not just do this in SQL?

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