Display tablix based on parameter value

  • Hi,

    I have a parameter called Entity which has values like ALL,Tab1,Tab2 . My requirement is to Display Tablix1 when parameter is set to Tab1 ,Display Tablix2 when parameter is set to Tab2 and display Tablix1 and Tablix2 when parameter is set to ALL .What is the expression I need to write in visibility property of each Tablix.



  • Is the parameter a single value, i.e. only ONE of ALL,Tab1,Tab2

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Actually I want multi value Tab1,Tab2 or select Both (multi-value) . This way I can eliminate All .

  • use this expression

    =Not(Filter(Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value, "Tab1", True, CompareMethod.Text).Length = 1)

    and change Tab1 to Tab2 for second tablix

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Visibility of the same tablix (tab1,Tab2) is also controlled based on

    1) if there are values for the result set

    2) Select from parameter Tab1,Tab2 or both

    If there are no rows for Tab1 and user wants to view Tab 1 , then there should be 'No rows for this resultset' message else display Tab1. Same thing for Tab2 .

    I am using the expression below, but it is not returning correct results:

    =IIF(First(Fields!accountid.Value, "Callreport") is nothing, true, false) OR iif(Parameters!Parameter1.Value="Tab1",false,true)



  • Leave the tablix visibility as I specified

    Add a new row 'Outside Group - Below' the row group for the tablix,

    Merge Cells as necessary,

    set text to 'No rows for this resultset',

    set row visibility expression to

    =(CountRows("Callreport") > 0)

    Assuming Callreport is the dataset (change this to the dataset used for each tablix)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thank you ! Works perfectly .

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