query grouping by month

  • I have the query below which produces a succesful output but as there is more than one course date the month appears for example three times where there are three courses in Jan as the example output below how can I change the query to group these

    MonthYear CCG AttendedCity CCG DNACity CCG Cancelled









    SELECT CONVERT(char(3), dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate, 0) AS Month, YEAR(dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate) AS Year, SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (9)

    THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [City CCG Attended], SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (3) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [City CCG DNA],

    SUM(CASE WHEN a.AttendanceStatus IN (7) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Cancelled, gp.CCGRegion, dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate

    FROM dbo.tblGP_Practices gp INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblGP_PatientLink pl ON gp.GPPracticeID = pl.GPPracticeID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblPatient p ON pl.PatientID = p.PatientID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblAppointments a ON p.PatientID = a.PatientID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblCourses ON a.CourseID = dbo.tblCourses.Course_ID

    WHERE (a.AttendanceStatus IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9))

    GROUP BY gp.CCGRegion, dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate, YEAR(dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate), CONVERT(char(3), dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate, 0)

  • It is hard to say for sure because we don't have the tables and data to work with but you are grouping by dbo.tblCourses.CourseDate which is not returned in the query. Remove that from the group by.


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  • I get an SQL Execution error I just got rid of returning the course date aswell


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