Anyone have a script which checks when running out of autogrowth extents?

  • Hello,

    I'm looking for hints/tips/url for a script which can be run a few times per day and either sends an email or alert for the following condition:

    Script would function like:

    Databases - Dynamic Log File Growths Remaining Alarm

    Dynamic Log File Growths Remaining alarm becomes active when a non fixed size log file in any database is in danger of running out of space to grow. It is raised when a log file is almost full and the file cannot automatically grow enough to relieve the problem.

    We have our databases with Enable Autogrowth (in Megabytes), and then a Maximum File Size (Limited to a MB value).

    Example: If one of the database logs (or possibly filegroup primary) picks up another extent and is about 5 extents (arbitrary value) away from running out of growth room, an alert would be sent to an email address/profile.

    Thanks for any ideas! I've been looking around for weeks but nothing I find is quite what I need.

    P.S. Yes, there are multiple databases on this one instance and the script should loop to run through all of them.

  • This should be what you're looking for:

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thank you! I will have a look!

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