SSRS multiple parameters

  • Probelm Statement:

    The reporting requirement is such that, the user wants to copy a list of values from Excel spreadsheet(like copying 5-6 cells) and paste it in the input box(parameter prompt box) in an SSRS report. How to give the user this facility?

    My Approach

    1. My query has a parameter in the where clause like --> Where Col1 in (@InputParam)

    I'm not sure how to move forward from here as I'm only able to pass a single value to the @InputParam. Please advice.


  • Enter the values with a separator (e.g. a comma or a semi colon) in the report. When using the parameter with SQL, use a function to split it into rows in a table and the use that as part of your condition. Have a look in the scripts part of SQL Server Central - there are a few scripts that will split a string into rows

  • It worked!!

    Thanks HappyCat, it was a great idea!

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