Cost Threshold for Parallelism- safe to adjust in production?

  • Hello,

    I'm diagnosing large performance variations during our automated nightly maintenance over the past few months. It seems to be related to parallelism, TempDB usage & disk performance during index rebuilds, or perhaps an impending RAID disk failure. The problem is isolated to our production environment. We'd like to avoid the cost and effort of duplicating the full production environment in a sandbox, instead focusing on migration to a new production system.

    My server's MAXDOP is 0 - the recommended setting for an 8-core server.

    The Cost Threshold for Parallelism is the default value of 5. I'd like to adjust this incrementally to track performance impact.

    Is it considered safe to tweak the Cost Threshold for Parallelism on production systems, or would it be wiser to duplicate the production environment and trial it there?


  • Suggest to do it on Non-Production environment first if you have.

  • Thanks for the input, CoolDBA.


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