Script improvement advice.

  • Hi everyone.

    Hoping someone could offer me some advice in regards to an issue I am stuck on.

    My script checks the Tempdb status , I would like the results to a .csv and also display on screen if possible.

    If possible could someone advise me on what I need to change in my script , how the options work etc.

    Any comments on how the script is working , and how I can change it would be most appreciated as I am trying to learn PowerShell.

    My current script:


    foreach ($svr in get-content "C:\PowerShell\Servers.txt")


    function Test-SQLConnection{

    param([parameter(mandatory=$true)][string[]] $Instances)

    $return = @()

    foreach($InstanceName in $Instances){

    $row = New-Object –TypeName PSObject –Prop @{'InstanceName'=$InstanceName;'StartupTime'=$null}


    $check=Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $InstanceName -Database TempDB -Query "SELECT @@SERVERNAME as Name,Create_Date FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'TempDB'" -ErrorAction Stop -ConnectionTimeout 3

    $row.InstanceName = $check.Name

    $row.StartupTime = $check.Create_Date



    #do nothing on the catch



    $return += $row



    return $return


    Test-SQLConnection -Instances $svr


    thank you in advance for any advice offered.

  • If you changed the line:

    Test-SQLConnection -Instances $svr


    $testResults = Test-SQLConnection -Instances $svr

    then you can create a CSV file with the following line:

    $testResults | Export-Csv "C:\testResults.csv"

    and output it to the screen as follows:

    Write-Host "Connection test results: " $testResults


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Gaz

    Thanks for your reply. Will test it out today.


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