How redefine transaction logfile initial size

  • Hi,

    I have in the production environment a database with a transaction file who was defined with 8GB size when the database was created.

    I would like to reconfigure this size to 16 MB (because it is fragmented -have too many VLFs- and 8GB is very high value for existing charge) but I can't shrink to this size because the initial size was bigger.

    ¿Is there any way to redefine actual transaction log file size (from initial 8GB to 16 MB -in this way I would have 4 VLFS and not 16 VLFS)? ¿What are the steps?

    Thanks in advance.

  • The smallest you could shrink the log file would be to 1GB because SQL requires 2 VLFs in a log file (8GB log divided by 16 VLFs equals 512MB VLFs).

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