
  • The table I am using has NULL values but when I unpivot it I only see the weeks which has values. The Nulls are all gone. How can I display that in Unpivot?

    Here is the Query

    SELECT * FROM dbo.test

    Unpivot(Hours for details in ( [Week_1]










    )) as Unpvt

    Tried using ISNULL in the first line : SELECT ISNULL(Week1,0)Week1 FROM dbo.test but gives me an error : Invalid Column

    Also gives me an error when I do an insull inside Unpivot.

    Any Ideas.....

  • Quick thought, use cross-tab


    Can you post DDL and sample data?

  • Try using CROSS APPLY instead of UNPIVOT

    SELECT name,Hours,details FROM #Temp














    ) c(Hours,details)


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • ok here it is :

    Create Table #Temp

    (Name Varchar(255) Null

    ,Week_1 Int

    ,Week_2 Int

    ,Week_3 Int

    ,Week_4 Int

    ,Week_5 Int

    ,Week_6 Int

    ,Week_7 Int

    ,Week_8 Int

    ,Week_9 Int

    ,Week_10 Int


    Insert Into #Temp (Name , Week_1 ,Week_2 ,Week_3 ,Week_4 ,Week_5 ,Week_6,Week_7 ,Week_8 ,Week_9 ,Week_10 )

    Values ('Oscar',Null, 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,Null)

    Select * from #Temp

    Unpivot(Hours for details in ( [Week_1]










    )) as Unpvt

    If you see the Unpivot is missing Week_1 and Week_10 due to NUll.

  • Works! Thank you so much

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