returning rows within a certain distance in miles from city using longitude and latitude

  • I've got a working query which returns all leads within a supplied proximity to a city. I followed a tutorial I googled a couple months ago (can't find it now). It works, but would love others to look the query over (provided DDL and sample data) and tell me if it's as it should be.

    Two things I don't like about query:

    1. I have to do a UNION to another query that retrieves everything that is in the same city in order to have complete results.

    2. very slow to retrieve results (> 1 minute)

    Sample DDL: 2 tables

    create table dim_lead


    date_created datetime,

    [contact_first_name] varchar(20),

    [contact_last_name] varchar(20),

    lead_id int,

    [contact_city] varchar(20),

    [contact_state] varchar(2),

    [contact_zip] varchar(10),

    latitude float,

    longitude float,

    sub_status varchar(5));

    insert into dim_lead values

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Leah', 'Loan', 1234, 'Boulder', 'CO', '80302', 40.015739, -105.279243, 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Mary', 'Morris', 4321, 'Boston', 'MA', '02133', 42.358631, -71.056702, 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Nancy', 'Nham', 3241, 'Colorado Springs', 'CO', '80949', 38.83345, -104.821808, 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Olga', 'Ofram', 2314, 'Denver', 'CO', '80201', 39.740009, -104.992264, 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Patty', 'Phillips', 3421, 'Greeley', 'CO', '80631', 40.423279, -104.694458, 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Queen', 'Quon', 2143, 'New York', 'NY', '10025', 40.71455, -74.007118, 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Rebecca', 'Rhode', 2431, 'Pueblo', 'CO', '81001', 38.263859, -104.612373, 'R');

    --i got this generate script using SSMS generate script capability

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[dim_geography](

    [dim_geography_key] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [zip] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [city] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [state] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [country] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [county] [varchar](40) NULL,

    [latitude] [float] NULL,

    [longitude] [float] NULL,

    [rn] [bigint] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (47683, N'02133', N'Boston', N'MA', N'US', N'Suffolk', 42.358631, -71.056702, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (65413, N'80302', N'Boulder', N'CO', N'US', N'Boulder', 40.015739, -105.279243, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (254402, N'80949', N'Colorado Springs', N'CO', N'US', N'El Paso', 38.83345, -104.821808, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (111044, N'80201', N'Denver', N'CO', N'US', N'Denver', 39.740009, -104.992264, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (60117, N'80631', N'Greeley', N'CO', N'US', N'Weld', 40.423279, -104.694458, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (2851992, N'10025', N'New York', N'NY', N'US', N'New York', 40.71455, -74.007118, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (204835, N'81001', N'Pueblo', N'CO', N'US', N'Pueblo', 38.263859, -104.612373, 1)

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] OFF

    --My query





    , l.[contact_first_name] + ' ' + l.[contact_last_name] as Name

    , l.lead_id

    , l.sub_status

    , l.[contact_city] lead_city

    , l.[contact_state] lead_state

    , l.[contact_zip] lead_zip

    , geo.latitude AS lead_lat

    , geo.longitude AS lead_long


    FROM sandbox.dbo.dim_lead l

    LEFT JOIN sandbox.dbo.dim_geography geo

    ON l.[contact_zip] =

    WHERE 1=1

    AND l.date_created > GETDATE() -30

    AND l.sub_status = 'R'

    AND geo.latitude IS NOT NULL

    AND geo.longitude IS NOT NULL;

    --select * from #LEADS_LAT_LONG;

    SELECT distinct

    lll.Name as Lead

    , lll.lead_city Lead_City

    , lll.lead_state Lead_State

    , lll.lead_zip Lead_Zip

    , lll.sub_status


    , as 'City Center'

    , geo.state

    --, lll.lead_lat

    --, lll.lead_long

    --, geo.latitude AS 'city_lat'

    --, geo.longitude AS 'city_long'

    , distance_miles = Geography::Point(COALESCE(geo.latitude,0), COALESCE(geo.longitude,0), 4326).STDistance(Geography::Point(COALESCE(lll.lead_lat,0),COALESCE(lll.lead_long,0), 4326))/1609.34


    JOIN sandbox.dbo.dim_geography geo

    on lll.lead_zip <>

    AND lll.lead_city <> 'Denver'

    AND = 'Denver'

    AND geo.state = 'CO'

    AND Geography::Point(COALESCE(geo.latitude,0), COALESCE(geo.longitude,0), 4326).STDistance(Geography::Point(COALESCE(lll.lead_lat,0),COALESCE(lll.lead_long,0), 4326))/1609.34 < 250


    SELECT distinct

    lll.Name as Lead

    , lll.lead_city Lead_City

    , lll.lead_state Lead_State

    , lll.lead_zip Lead_Zip

    , lll.sub_status

    , lll.lead_city as 'City Center'

    , lll.lead_state as state

    , distance_miles = 0


    WHERE lll.lead_city = 'Denver'

    AND lll.lead_state = 'CO'

    Is this good way?

  • Quick thought, if this type of queries are frequent, consider adding a geography column to the tables.


    Here is a far more efficient way of producing the same results

    USE tempdb;












    ,Geography::Point(COALESCE(DL.latitude,0),COALESCE(DL.longitude,0), 4326) AS GEO_POINT

    FROM dbo.dim_lead DL






    ,Geography::Point(COALESCE(DG.latitude,0),COALESCE(DG.longitude,0), 4326) AS GEO_POINT

    FROM dbo.dim_geography DG

    WHERE = 'Denver'

    AND DG.state = 'CO'





    LD.contact_first_name + CHAR(32) + LD.contact_last_name AS FULL_NAME







    --,(LD.GEO_POINT.STDistance(GD.GEO_POINT) * 0.001) AS DIST_METER

    ,(LD.GEO_POINT.STDistance(GD.GEO_POINT) * 0.0006213) AS DIST_MILE
















    FULL_NAME contact_city contact_state contact_zip sub_status city state DIST_MILE

    --------------- -------------------- ------------- ----------- ---------- ------- ----- ------------------

    Leah Loan Boulder CO 80302 R Denver CO 24.3812946182232

    Nancy Nham Colorado Springs CO 80949 R Denver CO 63.1959785838668

    Olga Ofram Denver CO 80201 R Denver CO 0

    Patty Phillips Greeley CO 80631 R Denver CO 49.7081523070755

    Rebecca Rhode Pueblo CO 81001 R Denver CO 103.84809970528

  • You may wish to add

    and geo.latitude between lll.lead_lat + 250*1610/110.0 and lll.lead_lat - 250*1610/110.0


    and create index on geo.latitude.

  • well, I'm so excited to have gotten these quality answers and will be literally happily pouring over them in my free times today. thanks so much.

  • eirikur, the query you provided is good. Not sure it performs faster in myenvironment tho. Once query execution plan is cached it's about same, but it is still better in one more way which makes me favor it.

    serg, why this ?

    and geo.latitude between lll.lead_lat + 250*1610/110.0 and lll.lead_lat - 250*1610;

    Next I will explore using geography type.

  • KoldCoffee (11/20/2014)

    eirikur, the query you provided is good. Not sure it performs faster in myenvironment tho. Once query execution plan is cached it's about same, but it is still better in one more way which makes me favor it.

    serg, why this ?

    and geo.latitude between lll.lead_lat + 250*1610/110.0 and lll.lead_lat - 250*1610;

    Next I will explore using geography type.

    When playing with geography pay attention to spatial indexes. Personally i have no experience using them but it looks promising.

    My point was when you have bare Lat, Lon numeric columns you may wish first select points in a rectangle by sargable expressions. It requires some coordinate calculatuions, see the reference in my previuos post. Namely, provided you'll never be looking for points closer then @dmiles miles to North or South pole, latitude constraint for the rectangle 2*@dMiles width is as simple as (not tested)

    declare @targetCity varchar(100) ='Denver';

    declare @targetState varchar(100) ='CO';

    declare @dmiles float = 250.;

    with tl as(

    select top(1) l.*

    , geo.latitude AS lead_lat

    , geo.longitude AS lead_long

    from sandbox.dbo.dim_lead l

    join sandbox.dbo.dim_geography geo

    on l.[contact_zip] =

    and = @targetCity

    and geo.state = @targetState




    , l.[contact_first_name] + ' ' + l.[contact_last_name] as Name

    , l.lead_id

    , l.sub_status

    , l.[contact_city] lead_city

    , l.[contact_state] lead_state

    , l.[contact_zip] lead_zip

    , geo.latitude AS lead_lat

    , geo.longitude AS lead_long


    FROM sandbox.dbo.dim_lead l

    --LEFT --why OUTER JOIN if then it follows geo.latitude IS NOT NULL ?

    JOIN sandbox.dbo.dim_geography geo

    ON l.[contact_zip] =

    AND l.date_created > GETDATE() -30

    AND l.sub_status = 'R'

    AND != @targetCity

    JOIN tl on geo.latitude between tl.lead_lat + @dmiles*1.610/110.0 and tl.lead_lat - @dmiles*1.610/110.0

    110 km/lat degree is a bit lesser then minimum length of 1 degree meridian arc to keep the constraint a bit less restrictive.

    Longitude constraint is more complicated as it depends on latitude and should take into account points near 0, +-180 meridians.

  • KoldCoffee (11/20/2014)

    eirikur, the query you provided is good. Not sure it performs faster in myenvironment tho. Once query execution plan is cached it's about same, but it is still better in one more way which makes me favor it.

    It should perform better as it halves the number of Geography CLR function calls compared to the original query, adding spatial columns, hence using only one CLR call, would be a further improvement, which adds the possibility of introducing a spatial index.

    serg, why this ?

    and geo.latitude between lll.lead_lat + 250*1610/110.0 and lll.lead_lat - 250*1610;

    Next I will explore using geography type.

    This in fact can be considered as a rough sketch of what a spatial index would do, segments the set into a grid/units which limits the search/scan needed to exhaust all possibilities.


  • Erirukur,

    the reason I use your query is because it doesn't eliminate lead records having a NULL value in the lead_city column. The top query of *my* final UNION will do this undesireable thing when it can't evaluate true for:

    AND lll.lead_city <> @city_center

    Because you use a CROSS JOIN I can include any referrals for whom we've at least collected zip codes. I like that improvement in accuracy!

    Still, the query takes between 1 1/2 to 2 minutes to run (depending on how many leads there are in given city), because it has to evaluate each lead row against the Geography::Point syntax.

    Serg, I am fine with the lowered accuracy given I am not querying for locations at either north or south pole but I can't get that sample query to work.

    Since a spatial index can only be applied against geography column and I can't make serg's query work for me I will look at another database we have (operational) which has a table populated with geography data types. It's hard to associate that one with the lead tables but if I can break through that barrier maybe that is only way to speed up this report.

  • ps. serg, thanks for showing me how the LEFT JOIN is redundant. appreciate.

  • KoldCoffee (11/22/2014)

    Serg, I am fine with the lowered accuracy given I am not querying for locations at either north or south pole but I can't get that sample query to work.

    Since a spatial index can only be applied against geography column and I can't make serg's query work for me I will look at another database we have (operational) which has a table populated with geography data types. It's hard to associate that one with the lead tables but if I can break through that barrier maybe that is only way to speed up this report.

    Can you share at least tables definitions ?

  • Serg,

    The actual life tables are similar to what I initially posted, with the exception that dim_lead doesn't actually contain latitude and longitude columns. I'm don't know why I included lat/long in the original sample ddl, because I handled for the association of leads to lat/long in a temporary query.

    Dim_leads = all attributes of leads

    Dim_geography = zip, city, state, latitude, longitude

    Goal: return the leads and cities in which they dwell that are within given distance (report parameter #1) to given city center (report parameter#2) and state (report parameter #3).

    Table definitions and data:

    create table dim_lead


    dim_lead_key int,

    date_created datetime,

    [contact_first_name] varchar(20),

    [contact_last_name] varchar(20),

    lead_id int,

    [contact_city] varchar(20),

    [contact_state] varchar(2),

    [contact_zip] varchar(10),

    sub_status varchar(5));

    insert into dim_lead values

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Leah', 'Loan', 1234, 'Boulder', 'CO', '80302', 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Mary', 'Morris', 4321, 'Boston', 'MA', '02133', 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Nancy', 'Nham', 3241, 'Colorado Springs', 'CO', '80949','R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Olga', 'Ofram', 2314, 'Denver', 'CO', '80201', 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Patty', 'Phillips', 3421, 'Greeley', 'CO', '80631', 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Queen', 'Quon', 2143, 'New York', 'NY', '10025', 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Rebecca', 'Rhode', 2431, 'Pueblo', 'CO', '81001', 'R');

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[dim_geography](

    [dim_geography_key] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [zip] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [city] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [state] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [country] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [county] [varchar](40) NULL,

    [latitude] [float] NULL,

    [longitude] [float] NULL,

    [rn] [bigint] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (47683, N'02133', N'Boston', N'MA', N'US', N'Suffolk', 42.358631, -71.056702, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (65413, N'80302', N'Boulder', N'CO', N'US', N'Boulder', 40.015739, -105.279243, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (254402, N'80949', N'Colorado Springs', N'CO', N'US', N'El Paso', 38.83345, -104.821808, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (111044, N'80201', N'Denver', N'CO', N'US', N'Denver', 39.740009, -104.992264, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (60117, N'80631', N'Greeley', N'CO', N'US', N'Weld', 40.423279, -104.694458, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (2851992, N'10025', N'New York', N'NY', N'US', N'New York', 40.71455, -74.007118, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (204835, N'81001', N'Pueblo', N'CO', N'US', N'Pueblo', 38.263859, -104.612373, 1)

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] OFF

    I am using eririkur's cross join query because it doesn't exclude leads having a city = NULL...but it takes 1 1/2 = 2 minutes given the volume of leads it must search.











    ,Geography::Point(COALESCE(DL.latitude,0),COALESCE(DL.longitude,0), 4326) AS GEO_POINT

    FROM dbo.dim_lead DL






    ,Geography::Point(COALESCE(DG.latitude,0),COALESCE(DG.longitude,0), 4326) AS GEO_POINT

    FROM dbo.dim_geography DG

    WHERE = 'Denver'

    AND DG.state = 'CO'





    LD.contact_first_name + CHAR(32) + LD.contact_last_name AS FULL_NAME







    --,(LD.GEO_POINT.STDistance(GD.GEO_POINT) * 0.001) AS DIST_METER

    ,(LD.GEO_POINT.STDistance(GD.GEO_POINT) * 0.0006213) AS DIST_MILE















  • It's my fault in previous script. Between predicate should be

    JOIN tl on geo.latitude between tl.lead_lat - @dmiles*1.610/110.0 and tl.lead_lat + @dmiles*1.610/110.0

    Now if you are still interested in geo calculations below is the script which selects candidate locations by geo "rectangle", both lan and lon coordinates. I'm afraid concerning perfomance the longitude part is of little help due to ORs. (It can be simplified though if no locations around 180 meridian are needed.) Nevertheless here it goes

    create table dim_lead (

    dim_lead_key int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    date_created datetime,

    [contact_first_name] varchar(20),

    [contact_last_name] varchar(20),

    lead_id int,

    [contact_city] varchar(20),

    [contact_state] varchar(2),

    [contact_zip] varchar(10),

    sub_status varchar(5));

    insert into dim_lead values

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Leah', 'Loan', 1234, 'Boulder', 'CO', '80302', 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Mary', 'Morris', 4321, 'Boston', 'MA', '02133', 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Nancy', 'Nham', 3241, 'Colorado Springs', 'CO', '80949','R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Olga', 'Ofram', 2314, 'Denver', 'CO', '80201', 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Patty', 'Phillips', 3421, 'Greeley', 'CO', '80631', 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Queen', 'Quon', 2143, 'New York', 'NY', '10025', 'R'),

    ('2014-11-12 00:00:00.000', 'Rebecca', 'Rhode', 2431, 'Pueblo', 'CO', '81001', 'R');

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[dim_geography](

    [dim_geography_key] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [zip] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [city] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [state] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [country] [varchar](2) NULL,

    [county] [varchar](40) NULL,

    [latitude] [float] NULL,

    [longitude] [float] NULL,

    [rn] [bigint] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ON;

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (47683, N'02133', N'Boston', N'MA', N'US', N'Suffolk', 42.358631, -71.056702, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (65413, N'80302', N'Boulder', N'CO', N'US', N'Boulder', 40.015739, -105.279243, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (254402, N'80949', N'Colorado Springs', N'CO', N'US', N'El Paso', 38.83345, -104.821808, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (111044, N'80201', N'Denver', N'CO', N'US', N'Denver', 39.740009, -104.992264, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (60117, N'80631', N'Greeley', N'CO', N'US', N'Weld', 40.423279, -104.694458, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (2851992, N'10025', N'New York', N'NY', N'US', N'New York', 40.71455, -74.007118, 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] ([dim_geography_key], [zip], [city], [state], [country], [county], [latitude], [longitude], [rn]) VALUES (204835, N'81001', N'Pueblo', N'CO', N'US', N'Pueblo', 38.263859, -104.612373, 1)

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[dim_geography] OFF

    declare @targetCity varchar(100) = 'Denver' --'Greeley' -- 'Boulder';

    declare @targetState varchar(100) = 'CO';

    declare @dmiles float = 250.;

    with tl as( --

    select top(1) l.*

    , geo.latitude AS lead_lat

    , geo.longitude AS lead_long

    , geo.latitude - @dmiles*1.610/110.0 as minlat

    , geo.latitude + @dmiles*1.610/110.0 as maxlat

    , case when geo.longitude-lp.dLon >= -180 then geo.longitude-lp.dLon else 360 +(geo.longitude-lp.dLon) end as lon1

    , case when geo.longitude+lp.dLon <= 180 then geo.longitude+lp.dLon else geo.longitude+lp.dLon - 360 end as lon2

    from dbo.dim_lead l

    join dbo.dim_geography geo

    on l.[contact_zip] =

    and = @targetCity

    and geo.state = @targetState

    cross apply ( select dLon = @dmiles*1.610/case when abs(geo.latitude) <= 15 then 107.

    when abs(geo.latitude) <= 30 then 96.

    when abs(geo.latitude) <= 45 then 78.

    when abs(geo.latitude) <= 60 then 55.

    when abs(geo.latitude) <= 75 then 28.5

    else null end ) lp

    ) --select * from tl



    , l.[contact_first_name] + ' ' + l.[contact_last_name] as Name

    , l.lead_id

    , l.sub_status

    , l.[contact_city] lead_city

    , l.[contact_state] lead_state

    , l.[contact_zip] lead_zip

    , geo.latitude AS lead_lat

    , geo.longitude AS lead_lon


    FROM dbo.dim_lead l

    JOIN dbo.dim_geography geo

    ON l.[contact_zip] =

    AND l.date_created > GETDATE() -30

    AND l.sub_status = 'R'

    AND != @targetCity

    JOIN tl

    ON geo.latitude BETWEEN tl.minlat AND tl.maxlat

    AND( tl.lon1 IS NULL

    OR( (tl.lon1 < tl.lon2 AND geo.longitude BETWEEN tl.lon1 AND tl.lon2)

    OR(tl.lon1 > tl.lon2 AND (geo.longitude > tl.lon1 OR geo.longitude < tl.lon2) ) ))





    DROP TABLE [dbo].[dim_lead];

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[dim_geography];


  • Serg, It works quickly against sample data but against real life database I cancelled this query after 4 minutes 41 seconds because it didn't return anything.

    I think I should find out how to use geography datatype. If it is so great, it should also be in datawarehouse.

  • I've played with some real data (half a million cities around the world from and have really got great perfomance gain when using sargable geo rectangle predicate against plain point1.STDistance(point2) < ...

    Nothing unuexpected, just optimizer can use indexes. It requierd some dynamic sql.

    Let me know if it is intresting for you.

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