Credentials Stored Securely in Report Server

  • Folks

    Using SQL Data Tools For Visual Studio 2014

    Running SQL 2014 Dev Edition.

    I am hoping you can point me in the right direction. I am working through some turorials on setting up Subscriptions but have come up against a problem with storing credentials securely.

    In username I put mylaptop\myusername, pw = mypassword and select test connection - it returns "Instance Failure".

    I know my username and password are correct and the connection string has been copied from a report.

    I have set up my server using SQL Server and Windows authentication.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

  • Issue solved I used RS configuration and added an execution account.

  • I spoke too soon.

    I have created a new windows login and added it to the server. The login has minimal rights to run reports.

    In report manager I have tried to create a connection where credentials are stored securely, the attached screen shot illustrates what I am getting.

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