What is wrong with this code?

  • =IIF(Parameters!Section.Count=Count("SectionName", "section"),"ALL",Join(Parameters!Section.Value,","))

    i am trying to display "ALL" but it is not working out.

    i have even tried this :

    =IIF(Parameters!YourParameter.Count=Count(Fields!DataSetFieldName.Value, "Name OF Your DataSet"),"ALL",Join(Parameters! YourParameter.Value,","))

    and it does not work out.

    any suggestions guys?

  • Shouldn't second "Count" be "CountRows" ?

    try something like below

    =IIF(Parameters!YourParameter.Count=CountRows(Fields!DataSetFieldName.Value, "Name OF Your DataSet"),"ALL",Join(Parameters! YourParameter.Value,","))

    <I haven't tested above, kindly give it a try>

  • thanks man for the response.

    i just added the number of rows and it worked perfectly

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