Accessing and using user defined function on SQL 2005 from SQL 2000

  • Using SQL 2000 and SQL 2005

    I have created a function on a SQL 2005 machine that parses XML data in a table that has an xml data type.

    I need to call this function from a SQL 2000 machine.

    I created a linked server using the following connection string:


    I am able to connect to the SQL 2005 machine though the linked server but, I only have access to tables and views.

    I need to be able to call my UDF and pass in a parameter and get data back.

    What am I missing here?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Quick thought, you cannot execute the 2K5 function on the 2K server, the execution has to be in the scope of the 2K5 only. A workaround could be in the form of inserting the record into a table on the 2K5, execute a stored procedure which then inserts the results into another "result" table and finally read it from there.


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