XML intellisense broken?

  • In SSMS 2008R2, I can open the XML editor a number of ways. One of the easiest is to run a dummy query like this:

    select cast('<a />' as xml)

    then click on the result, which opens the xml in edit mode. Then, I delete the dummy xml and begin to type

    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="

    at which point the editor shows a drop down list of URIs to choose from. I choose


    since that is what I want to start with.

    At this point, the editor accepts my choice and auto-closes the tag. I hit enter and on the next line hit the open angle bracket (that is, "<") on the keyboard. SSMS again shows a drop down list of choices like <xs:element, <xs:annotation, <?, <! and others. Very helpful!

    Since I also have Sql Server 2014 installed (dev version), I try the same thing there. What happens? No intellisense except for a meager drop down list of just three items. No list of URIs; no list of valid tags (other than <?, <!-- and <!DOCTYPE)

    all the helpful intellisense from 2008 is gone!

    Anyone else seen this?

    anyone have a way to "wake up" intellisense in Sql Server 2014 for XML and XSD files?

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses

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