openquery taking 1:30:00 plus

  • I have a MySql Database i need to extract data from based on matching info in a local SQL Server database,

    I will ultimately need to cycle through 20 of these MySql databases , but the query below is taking 1 minute and 20 plus seconds...Just for one..

    Is there a simple tweak that would speed it up?


    USE [CAS]


    DECLARE @PhoneDB varchar(max),


    set @PhoneDB = '[PHONEDB_PHI]';

    set @SQL = 'SELECT

    [calls_key] = oq.calls_key,

    [calldate] = oq.calldate,

    [calltime] = oq.time,

    [duration] = oq.duration,

    [duration_in_decimal] = oq.duration_in_decimal,

    [ext] = oq.ext,

    [trunk] = oq.trunk,

    [calltype] = oq.calltype,

    [io] =,

    [areacode] = oq.areacode,

    [phonenum] = oq.phonenum,

    [dept] = e.dept,

    [fname] = e.fname,

    [lname] = e.lname,

    [empnum] = e.empnum


    [LinkedServer].[CAS].[dbo].[EMP] e

    inner join OPENQUERY(' + @PhoneDB + '' + ',''SELECT calls_key, calldate, time, cast(duration as char(8) charset utf8) as duration, duration_in_decimal, ext, trunk, calltype, io, areacode, phonenum FROM MySql.View'') oq

    on (e.ext = oq.ext)


    e.ext = oq.ext

    AND = 1

    AND oq.calldate > getdate() -1

    AND oq.duration > ''00:00:20''';

    --print @SQL;

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL;

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