Restoring a Differential backup taking more time than restoring full backup

  • I am issuing following command. Full Backup file is 20GB and Differential backup file is 2GB.

    /* restore Full Backup */

    restore database SomeDatabase from disk = N'c:\tempbkp_Full.bak' WITH NORECOVERY

    /* restore Differential Backup */

    restore database SomeDatabase from disk = N'c:\tempbkp_Diff.bak' WITH NORECOVERY

    These backups do not have any encryption also.

    restoring a Full Backup takes about 3 Hrs to restore and Differential about 4 Hours. I am not able to figure out why its taking so much time to restore full backup also.

    My Machine is pretty powerful with 32GB of RAM.

  • Just want to check, are you running this on your local instance, off a local drive?

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