Help - Login failed for sa account on sql2005 Server

  • Hi - I've been asked to install an application which requires the sa password as part of the installation process. I have entered the password based on the details within our password document but am receiving a login failed message Error 18456

    The Server has been set up for mixed mode authentication and I'm able to login using other accounts. Can anyway suggest how I can resolve this as I don't want to break anything?

    Is it possible the account has been disabled through unsuccessful attempts, if so how do you enable this?

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Many thanks


  • To check if the account is enabled, open SSMS go to Security > Logins. Right click the sa login and go to Properties > Status.

    You'll then be able to see if the login has permission to connect to the instance and if it is enabled.

  • Hi - Many thanks for responding to my query. I've checked this and the box is ticked for Login is locked out. Is it just a case of unticking this and then clicking on the OK button?

    Kind Regards


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