An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ','

  • I am getting the error message, "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ',' "

    when running an ssrs 2008 r2 report.

    The sql embedded in the dataset is:

    IF @reportID <> 0


    SELECT 'Students report 1' AS selectRptName, 1 AS rptNumValue


    SELECT 'Students report 2', 2


    SELECT 'Students report 3', 3


    SELECT 'Students report 4', 4


    SELECT 'Students report 5', 5

    ORDER BY selectRptName



    The sql runs fine in managment studio when I declare @reportID.

    The sql runs fine with I comment out 'IF @reportID <> 0'.

    The @reportID is a parmeter value that is passed to the applicable dataset.

    The @reportID can have more than one value.

    Thus can you show me sql and/or tell me what I need to do to solve the issue for me?

  • What's the purpose of the IF statement? Everything worked fine until I put that in there. Can you base the report on a stored procedure so that the evaluation of the IF statement happens in SSMS, not in SSRS?

  • The purpose is for the user to select 0, 1 or up to 200 subreports.

    Thus I am thinking of calling the following following function to split out the parameter values:

    FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_splitString]


    @listString VARCHAR(MAX)






    SELECT SUBSTRING(l.listString, sn.Num + 1, CHARINDEX(',', l.listString, sn.Num + 1) - sn.Num - 1) _id

    FROM (SELECT ',' + LTRIM(RTRIM(@listString)) + ',' AS listString) l

    CROSS JOIN dbo.sequenceNumbers sn

    WHERE sn.Num < LEN(l.listString)

    AND SUBSTRING(l.listString, sn.Num, 1) = ','



    Can you show me sql code on how to remove the @reportID <> 0 t-sql above and replace by calling the fn_splitString


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