SQL query to query all databases that contain a specific table then query that table.

  • Hi All,

    I really need some advice on the following task... I think it should be simple, but not for the lack of trying I am going round in circles!


    I have a requirement to list all databases on an instance that have a particular table, then be able to query each table for each database name returned and insert that data into another database.


    I have 60 databases on a server instance, 30 of them have a table called "activity" (example only), the table contains logon information for each application they support. I need to find all databases with the "activity" table, query each one and collate the results into a central admin database table.

    I have tried a cursor so far using the following code to set up the databases to query followed by a simple select in the "to do" part.... (I can add full cursor to the post tomorrow when I am back in work):

    SELECT name

    FROM sys.databases


    WHEN state_desc = 'ONLINE'

    THEN OBJECT_ID(QUOTENAME(name) + '.[dbo].[activity]', 'U')


    On its own the code returns the right database names each time, however, when I add it to the cursor the overall results contain either results for all databases listed from the query above (what I want), or just one database result set with a @@fetch_status code of -2 (The row fetched is missing). If I bash away at the F5 key it will eventually return all the results. But this is usally a one in 8 - 12 runs!

    Ideally I don't want to use a cursor but not sure how to get around them in this scenario.

    I have also looked at sp_ms_foreach but I would rather have more control.

    Any help is greatfully received.


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