SSRS Expression Issue

  • Hello All,

    I'm having an issue with adding parameters to the report with the below statement. When I add @Start as a parameter in report and set the default value to =DATEADD( "M", -1, DATEADD("QQ", DATEDIFF("QQ", 0, Today()),0)), I get an error saying - An error occured during local report processing. How can I set default @Start date to the below value? I also have to set the default value for @End to - DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +1, 0))? Thanks

    declare @Start as date

    declare @End as date

    declare @NextStart as date

    Declare @NextEnd as date

    Set @Start= DATEADD( MM, -1, DATEADD(QQ, DATEDIFF(QQ, 0, GETDATE()),0))

    Set @End = DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +1, 0))

    Set @NextStart = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @Start)

    Set @NextEnd = DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +2, 0))


  • There are a few issues with your attempt at an expression in SSRS.

    1. 0 can't be converted to a date by .NET (the basis for the expression language) so you need to replace it with "1900-01-01" which is what 0 translates to in SQL Server for DATETIME.

    2. "QQ" is not a valid Date Interval in .NET. The short hand for quarter in .NET is "Q", but I would recommend not using the short hand in either T-SQL or .NET. In .NET you would use DateInterval.Quarter. There is no ambiguity when you spell things out. In this case it has to be Quarter, but when you get to the M's it could be confusing (Month, Minute, Millisecond, etc...

    So for your first expression I think you want this:

    =DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, -1, DateAdd(DateInterval.Quarter, DateDiff(DateInterval.Quarter, DateValue("1900-01-01"), Today()),DateValue("1900-01-01")))

    I'm going to assume you can work out the other expressions you need.

  • Hi Jack,

    I appreciate your response. I've a quick question for you. My report is the quarterly report so, I would have user enter only the @Start Date. Rest of the three (@end,@NextStart, @NextEnd) parameters will be hidden from user.

    Below three parameters will be dependent on the @Start. How can I achieve below statments in SSRS expression? Can you give me a hand in this? Thanks, again

    Set @End = DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +1, 0))

    Set @NextStart = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @Start)

    Set @NextEnd = DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +2, 0))



  • amolacp (8/25/2014)

    Hello All,

    I'm having an issue with adding parameters to the report with the below statement. When I add @Start as a parameter in report and set the default value to =DATEADD( "M", -1, DATEADD("QQ", DATEDIFF("QQ", 0, Today()),0)), I get an error saying - An error occured during local report processing. How can I set default @Start date to the below value? I also have to set the default value for @End to - DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +1, 0))? Thanks

    declare @Start as date

    declare @End as date

    declare @NextStart as date

    Declare @NextEnd as date

    Set @Start= DATEADD( MM, -1, DATEADD(QQ, DATEDIFF(QQ, 0, GETDATE()),0))

    Set @End = DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +1, 0))

    Set @NextStart = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @Start)

    Set @NextEnd = DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +2, 0))


    Below is the SSRS equivalent expression for start.


    This how it works

    QQ = DateInterval.Quarter

    When you are passing 0 in the DATEDIFF it is eqivalent to 1900-01-01

    IN SSM try the below code

    declare @d1 datetime = 0

    select @d1

    I hope you can make it other parameters

  • Jack Corbett (8/25/2014)

    There are a few issues with your attempt at an expression in SSRS.

    1. 0 can't be converted to a date by .NET (the basis for the expression language) so you need to replace it with "1900-01-01" which is what 0 translates to in SQL Server for DATETIME.

    2. "QQ" is not a valid Date Interval in .NET. The short hand for quarter in .NET is "Q", but I would recommend not using the short hand in either T-SQL or .NET. In .NET you would use DateInterval.Quarter. There is no ambiguity when you spell things out. In this case it has to be Quarter, but when you get to the M's it could be confusing (Month, Minute, Millisecond, etc...

    So for your first expression I think you want this:

    =DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, -1, DateAdd(DateInterval.Quarter, DateDiff(DateInterval.Quarter, DateValue("1900-01-01"), Today()),DateValue("1900-01-01")))

    I'm going to assume you can work out the other expressions you need.


    I didn't realize that you alredy replied for this.



  • Jack & Rxm,

    My other there parameters @Start, @End, @NextStart, @NextEnd are dependent on @StartDate (2014-06-01). How can I set the other three parameters (@End, @NextStart, @NextEnd) in SSRS expression as same way as T-SQL?

    set @Start = DATEADD( MM, -1, DATEADD(QQ, DATEDIFF(QQ, 0, GETDATE()),0))

    Set @End = DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +1, 0))

    Set @NextStart = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @Start)

    Set @NextEnd = DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +2, 0))

    Here is the T-Sql code:

    declare @Start as date

    declare @End as date

    declare @NextStart as date

    Declare @NextEnd as date

    set @Start = DATEADD( MM, -1, DATEADD(QQ, DATEDIFF(QQ, 0, GETDATE()),0))

    Set @End = DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +1, 0))

    Set @NextStart = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @Start)

    Set @NextEnd = DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @Start) +2, 0))

    Select J.Job, cast(ce.sStartDate as Date) 'PrintDate', Cast(j.lastshippeddate as date) 'ShipDate', Cast(i.invdate as date) 'InvoiceDate', i.InvNumber, I.CompanyName 'Customer', I.TotalInvAmount'Total Inv Amount'

    from JobExtra J

    Join JobMaster m (nolock) on J.JobNumber=m.JobNumber

    Join InvoiceHeader I (nolock) on I.JobNumber = J.JobNumber

    Join (select MIN (CE.RecID) 'Record', ce.sJobNumber 'Job' from JobExtra J

    left join CostEntry CE (nolock) on CE.sJobNumber=J.JobNumber

    left join JobExtra JE (nolock) on J.JobNumber=JE.JobNumber

    left join [InvoiceHeader] I (nolock) on I.JobNumber = JE.JobNumber

    where (CE.sDepartmentCode='AG')

    and (cast (CE.sStartDate as date) between @Start and @End)

    and (cast (J.LastShippedDate as date) between @NextStart and @NextEnd)

    group by ce.sJobNumber

    ) t on t.Job = i.JobNumber

    Join CostEntry CE (nolock) on CE.sJobNumber=t.Job and ce.RecID = t.record

    where CAST (I.InvDate as DATE) not between @Start and @End


  • Just replace TODAY() with Parameters!StartDate.Value in each of the other calculations.

  • I am not sure under what kind of pressure you are working but normally after telling how to do it for one parameter,

    you should have done it for others. Atleast you should have given a try.

    Any way below are the expressions.

    ReportParameter1 should be replaced with the name of the Parameter that you are going to define for @start.


    @End=DATEADD(DateInterval.Day,-1, DATEADD(DateInterval.Month, DateDiff(DateInterval.Month, DateValue("1900-01-01"),(Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value)) +1, DateValue("1900-01-01")))

    @NextStart=DATEADD(DateInterval.Month, 1, (Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value))

    @NextEnd=DATEADD(DateInterval.Day, -1, DATEADD(DateInterval.Month, DateDiff(DateInterval.Month,DateValue("1900-01-01"), (Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value)) +2, DateValue("1900-01-01")))"



  • Jack & Rxm,

    Thank you for your response. I'm new to SSRS and trying to get used to it. Sorry about that.


  • One last question to you guys. The report that, I'm working on is the quarterly report. When I change the @start date to (10/01/2014) on report, other three (@End, @NextStart, @NextEnd) parameters still show the same date.

    When @start date is changed to (10/01/2014), as per the SSRS expression:

    @End should change to 10/31/2014

    @NextStart should change to 11/01/2014

    @NextEnd should change to 11/30/2014

    Thank you for your patience Rxm & Jack.

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