PIVOT without aggregate function?

  • So I've found this:


    I tried to mimic this for what I need and keep getting an error.

    Anyone familiar with SQL PIVOT without aggregation?

    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.vTeamCoaches

    PIVOT (max(TeamId) FOR PersonId IN ([CoachFN], [CoachLN], [CoachEmail])) pvt[/code]

    Current result:

    ReginaBurtona@yahoo.com Null Null Null

    RobinDillon1@gmail.com Null Null Null

    KathyJanik 2@gmail.com Null Null Null

    JenniferHeurlinj@hotmail.com Null Null Null

    HeatherBlaskoh@comcast.net Null Null Null

    The first Team has two different names in the same TeamID (not sure why it's not showing this column?), so when each TeamID has multiple person (AKA: Coach RE: MemberTypeID=2), I need to show them as a separate column which includes the FirstName, LastName, Email.

    End Result sought:


    TEA00001889KathyJanik k@gmail.com Null Null Null

    TEA00001890Jennifer1@hotmail.comNull Null Null

    TEA00001891HeatherBlaskoh@comcast.net Null Null Null

    So should show the following columns:

    TeamID, FirstName, LastName, Email, (if more than one for TeamID the -->) CoachFN1, CoachLN1, CoachEmail1, CoachFN2, CoachLN2, CoachEmail2, etc ...

  • Quick thought, you might want to use cross-tab instead of pivot, take a look at this article by Jeff Moden, Cross Tabs and Pivots[/url]


  • Not really understanding the difference?

    Main thing with what I need is it's not an aggregate

  • serviceaellis (8/14/2014)

    Not really understanding the difference?

    Main thing with what I need is it's not an aggregate

    My bad, sorry for the incomplete answer;-)

    The complexity of not using an aggregate is simply to replace the group by behaviour, here is an example of a cross-tab which does that on the expense of one scan for each additional column set.


    USE tempdb;





    ,FirstName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL

    ,LastName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL


    ,MemberTypeID INT NOT NULL











    ('TEAM001','Joe' ,'Smith','email01@some.com',1)


    ,('TEAM001','Stan' ,'Taylor','email03@some.com',3)

    ,('TEAM001','Ann' ,'Brown','email04@some.com',4)

    ,('TEAM002','Will' ,'Williams','email05@some.com',1)

    ,('TEAM002','Dean' ,'Wilson','email06@some.com',2)

    ,('TEAM002','Dan' ,'Johnson','email07@some.com',3)


    ,('TEAM003','Jane' ,'Robinson','email09@some.com',1)


    ,('TEAM003','Bob' ,'Thompson','email11@some.com',3)

    ,('TEAM003','Dave' ,'Evans','email12@some.com',4);







    ,CASE WHEN CB.MemberTypeID = 2 THEN CB.FirstName END AS C_2_FirstName

    ,CASE WHEN CB.MemberTypeID = 2 THEN CB.LastName END AS C_2_LastName

    ,CASE WHEN CB.MemberTypeID = 2 THEN CB.EmaiL END AS C_2_EmaiL

    ,CASE WHEN CC.MemberTypeID = 3 THEN CC.FirstName END AS C_3_FirstName

    ,CASE WHEN CC.MemberTypeID = 3 THEN CC.LastName END AS C_3_LastName

    ,CASE WHEN CC.MemberTypeID = 3 THEN CC.EmaiL END AS C_3_EmaiL

    ,CASE WHEN CD.MemberTypeID = 4 THEN CD.FirstName END AS C_4_FirstName

    ,CASE WHEN CD.MemberTypeID = 4 THEN CD.LastName END AS C_4_LastName

    ,CASE WHEN CD.MemberTypeID = 4 THEN CD.EmaiL END AS C_4_EmaiL





    WHERE CA.MemberTypeID = 1

    AND CA.TeamID = CB.TeamID

    AND CA.TeamID = CC.TeamID

    AND CA.TeamID = CD.TeamID

    AND CB.MemberTypeID = 2

    AND CC.MemberTypeID = 3

    AND CD.MemberTypeID = 4;


    TeamID FirstName LastName EmaiL MemberTypeID C_2_FirstName C_2_LastName C_2_EmaiL C_3_FirstName C_3_LastName C_3_EmaiL C_4_FirstName C_4_LastName C_4_EmaiL

    -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

    TEAM001 Joe Smith email01@some.com 1 Chris Jones email02@some.com Stan Taylor email03@some.com Ann Brown email04@some.com

    TEAM002 Will Williams email05@some.com 1 Dean Wilson email06@some.com Dan Johnson email07@some.com Steve Davies email08@some.com

    TEAM003 Jane Robinson email09@some.com 1 Anton Wright email10@some.com Bob Thompson email11@some.com Dave Evans email12@some.com

  • I'm not sure what's going on with the MemberTypeID.

    However it can't be assigned and used for anything else.

    Those are IDs already defined and configured in SQL.

    The MemberTypeID=2 is Coach records and that is only type id records I want.

  • If MemberTypeID 2 is all you care about, you can simply omit the lines of code from Eirikurs example that reference MemberTypeIDs you don't care about.

    Is this for a report or something? If each team can have between 1:n coaches, pivoting out a dedicated column for each coach is going to get messy. I'm not sure what the scenario is where listing them out back to back is necessary. At least in their own columns. If all you need is the names concatenated on a line, there are better ways to do that.

    ps. I dont know if the data you provided in your OP is real or not, but if it is, I would suggest making their names and emails anonymous.

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]

  • JeeTee (8/15/2014)

    If MemberTypeID 2 is all you care about, you can simply omit the lines of code from Eirikurs example that reference MemberTypeIDs you don't care about.

    Is this for a report or something? If each team can have between 1:n coaches, pivoting out a dedicated column for each coach is going to get messy. I'm not sure what the scenario is where listing them out back to back is necessary. At least in their own columns. If all you need is the names concatenated on a line, there are better ways to do that.

    ps. I dont know if the data you provided in your OP is real or not, but if it is, I would suggest making their names and emails anonymous.

    Ah ok re: omit MemberTypeId section of code provided. But it doesn't make sense to me. It appears that's relevant in the code with the CASE WHEN.

    Yes this is a report for the competition events director.

    She wants to see a list of all the athletes, the competitions and the teams, with the related coach(es).

    So far from what I have seen, a Team could have two coaches

    but I doubt more than 3.

  • I figured it was probably for some sort of report; non-database people are the only ones who like de-normalized reports 🙂

    FWIW, whether you use a cross tab pivot such as the one mentioned earlier or one that actually uses aggregation, both are valid for what you're doing. You're correct that what you're trying to do here doesn't truly do aggregation, but there's nothing wrong with using something like a MAX() operator to satisfy the databases need for an aggregate function, even if it's just superficial.

    Some argue that one method is easier to understand than another, or that there are performance differences. Personally, I rather like pivots.

    Just another spin on a solution, If you don't care about whether each value has a dedicated column, you could just concatenate the name and email into a single field.

    use tempdb


    set nocount on


    /*** SAMPLE DATA ***/

    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#staging') is not null drop table #staging

    create table #staging


    TeamID varchar(20),

    CoachRID int,

    fName varchar(100),

    lName varchar(100),

    email varchar(500),

    --A mask

    CatStr as 'Coach' + cast(CoachRID as varchar(30)) + ': ' + lName + ', ' + fName + ' (' + email + ')'



    --Original select based on the table you provided in OP would look something like this

    --The row_number is important to have a predictable column upon which to pivot.



    CoachRID = row_number() over (partition by TeamID order by LastName, FirstName),

    fName = FirstName,

    lName = LastName,

    email = email

    from dbo.vTeamCoaches where MemberTypeID = 2


    insert into #staging (TeamID, CoachRID, fName, lName, email)

    values ('TEAM001',1,'Joe' ,'Smith','email01@some.com')


    ,('TEAM001',3,'Stan' ,'Taylor','email03@some.com')

    ,('TEAM001',4,'Ann' ,'Brown','email04@some.com')

    ,('TEAM002',1,'Will' ,'Williams','email05@some.com')

    ,('TEAM002',2,'Dean' ,'Wilson','email06@some.com')

    ,('TEAM003',1,'Dave' ,'Evans','email12@some.com');

    /*** SELECT PIVOT ***/



    Coach1 = max([1]),

    Coach2 = max([2]),

    Coach3 = max([3]),

    Coach4 = max([4])

    from (select *

    from #Staging) s --source

    pivot(max(CatStr) for CoachRID in ([1],[2],[3],[4])) p

    group by TeamID

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]

  • lol, 'tis true ... report requesters

    I did see the concat option, unfortunately she does not want it in one field.

  • serviceaellis (8/15/2014)

    JeeTee (8/15/2014)

    If MemberTypeID 2 is all you care about, you can simply omit the lines of code from Eirikurs example that reference MemberTypeIDs you don't care about.

    Is this for a report or something? If each team can have between 1:n coaches, pivoting out a dedicated column for each coach is going to get messy. I'm not sure what the scenario is where listing them out back to back is necessary. At least in their own columns. If all you need is the names concatenated on a line, there are better ways to do that.

    ps. I dont know if the data you provided in your OP is real or not, but if it is, I would suggest making their names and emails anonymous.

    Ah ok re: omit MemberTypeId section of code provided. But it doesn't make sense to me. It appears that's relevant in the code with the CASE WHEN.

    Yes this is a report for the competition events director.

    She wants to see a list of all the athletes, the competitions and the teams, with the related coach(es).

    So far from what I have seen, a Team could have two coaches

    but I doubt more than 3.

    The MemberTypeId is used in the example as a column set directive in order to demonstrate the method used. It is not meant to be a final solution.

    Obviously one cannot see what is on your screen nor access any additional knowledge on neither the requirements nor the data set further than provided on the forum.


  • Ok

    NOTE: i provided code that's sort of working

    with the data set (though just a few records)

    as well as the current output.

    I thought that was enough information?

    1) sample data set

    2) explanation at issue

    3) code at issue

    4) current code output

    5) issue on the current code output

    The list attached. The full data set

    I did find the most coaches per Team is 4.

  • This is not working since you are using column names in the Pivot ON:

    PIVOT (max(TeamId) FOR PersonId IN ([CoachFN], [CoachLN], [CoachEmail])) pvt

    should be:

    PIVOT (max(TeamId) FOR PersonId IN (PER00388878, PER00500029,PER00530907, ...)) pvt

    Pivot is looking for specific PersonIDs as specified in the list that follows, NOT column names.

  • gbritton1 (8/15/2014)

    This is not working since you are using column names in the Pivot ON:

    PIVOT (max(TeamId) FOR PersonId IN ([CoachFN], [CoachLN], [CoachEmail])) pvt

    should be:

    PIVOT (max(TeamId) FOR PersonId IN (PER00388878, PER00500029,PER00530907, ...)) pvt

    Pivot is looking for specific PersonIDs as specified in the list that follows, NOT column names.

    Ok but I need to "PIVOT" the 3 fields, CoachFN, CoachLN, CoachEmail for each new Coach per TeamId (up to 4 coaches)

    I tried to use the CoachFN, CoachLN, CoachEmail as the FOR but that just simply failed.

  • Alright, I think (I hope) i have a query that will work for you, and it shouldn't matter if there are 2 coaches or 200. This query is kind of ugly because of all the dynamic SQL, but it's actually almost exactly like what I posted earlier using the concatenated string method. The only difference (other than the dynamic SQL) is that the concatenated string, instead of being something nice and human readable like 'Smith, John, JohnSmith@gmail.com' is instead delimited (I chose '~~' and '$$').

    This way, you only have to mess with a single pivot. Once you have that single field pivoted out, you perform several string manipulation operators to slice those fields out into dedicated columns.

    If you have any questions on what's going on here, just let me know and I'll happily delve into more detail, or provide a version which uses a static max number of coaches per team.

    BTW, I used a subset of the data you provided in the Excel document to populate the temp table i use here. If you can do the same wiht the full data set, this should work exactly for your purposes.

    set nocount on



    ** DATA STAGING **


    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#data') is not null drop table #data

    create table #data


    RowNum int,

    TeamID varchar(100),

    PersonID varchar(100),

    CoachFN Varchar(100),

    CoachLN varchar(100),

    CoachEmail varchar(500),


    --You dont need to build this on the fly if you already ahve one persisted.

    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#TallyTable') is not null drop table #TallyTable

    create table #TallyTable


    num int primary key clustered


    insert into #Data (rownum, teamid, personid, coachfn, coachln, coachemail)

    select '1', 'TEA00001888', 'PER00500029', 'Robin', 'Dillon', 'rhdillon1@gmail.com' union all

    select '2', 'TEA00001888', 'PER00388878', 'Regina', 'Burton', 'askateburton@yahoo.com' union all

    select '1', 'TEA00001889', 'PER00530907', 'Kathy', 'Janik', 'kjskate02@gmail.com' union all

    select '1', 'TEA00001925', 'PER00467384', 'Alisa', 'Mitskog', 'atmccsp@yahoo.com' union all

    select '1', 'TEA00001926', 'PER00397760', 'Nicole', 'Stauss', NULL union all

    select '1', 'TEA00001929', 'PER00040751', 'Marguerite', 'Hiller', NULL union all

    select '2', 'TEA00001929', 'PER00534294', 'Lisa', 'Storto-Featherston', 'lisasf@sbcglobal.net' union all

    select '3', 'TEA00001929', 'PER00398420', 'Julianne', 'Sennese', 'jsennese@comcast.net'

    /*** Determine how many columns you need to pivot (i.e. max number of coaches on a team) ***/


    @someIterator int = 1,

    @maxRownum int,

    @sql nvarchar(max),

    @PivotColumns nvarchar(max),

    @SelectColumns nvarchar(max),

    @SplitColumns nvarchar(max)

    select @maxRownum = max(rownum)

    from #data

    -- Populate a tally table

    -- Jeff moden, dont yell at me :)

    while @someIterator <= @maxrownum


    insert into #tallyTable(num)

    select @someIterator

    select @someIterator += 1


    --Variables which equate to the string splitting operations, the pivot, and select columns.


    @PivotColumns = (select quotename(num) + ','

    from #tallyTable

    for xml path ('')),

    @SelectColumns = (select 'Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'CatStr = max(' + quotename(num) + '),'

    from #tallyTable

    for xml path ('')),

    @SplitColumns = (select

    'Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'FN = nullif(left(Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'CatStr, patindex(''%~~%'', Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'CatStr) - 1), ''''),'

    + 'Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'LN = nullif(substring(Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'CatStr, patindex(''%~~%'', Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'CatStr) + 2, patindex(''%$$%'', Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'CatStr) - patindex(''%~~%'', Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'CatStr) - 2), ''''),'

    + 'Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'Email = nullif(right(Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'CatStr, len(Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'CatStr) - patindex(''%$$%'', Coach' + cast(num as varchar(10)) + 'CatStr) -1), ''''),'

    from #tallyTable

    for xml path ('')),

    --Chop off trailing commas

    @SplitColumns = left(@SplitColumns, len(@SplitColumns) - 1),

    @SelectColumns = left(@SelectColumns, len(@SelectColumns) - 1),

    @PivotColumns = left(@PivotColumns, len(@PivotColumns) - 1)


    print @splitColumns

    --Pivot on the CatStr field. Put that into a CDE so its easier to work with.


    @sql = '

    ;with cte as




    ' + @SelectColumns + '

    from (select




    CatStr = isnull(coachfn, '''') + ''~~'' + isnull(coachln, '''') + ''$$'' + isnull(coachemail, ''''),



    from #data) src

    pivot (max(catstr) for rownum in (' + @pivotColumns + ')) p

    group by TeamID



    TeamID = TeamID, ' + @SplitColumns + '

    from cte'

    print @sql

    exec (@sql)

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]

  • Here it is without dynamic sql (use the same data population header)

    ;with cte as




    CatStr1 = max([1]),

    CatStr2 = max([2]),

    CatStr3 = max([3])

    from (select




    catstr = isnull(coachfn, '') + '~~' + isnull(coachln, '') + '$$' + isnull(coachemail, '')

    from #data) s --source

    pivot (max(catstr) for rownum in ([1], [2], [3])) p

    group by TeamID




    Coach1FN = nullif(left(CatStr1, patindex('%~~%', CatStr1) - 1), ''),

    Coach1LN = nullif(substring(CatStr1, patindex('%~~%', CatStr1) + 2, patindex('%$$%', CatStr1) - patindex('%~~%', CatStr1) - 2), ''),

    Coach1Email = nullif(right(CatStr1, len(CatStr1) - patindex('%$$%', CatStr1) -1), ''),

    Coach2FN = nullif(left(CatStr2, patindex('%~~%', CatStr2) - 1), ''),

    Coach2LN = nullif(substring(CatStr2, patindex('%~~%', CatStr2) + 2, patindex('%$$%', CatStr2) - patindex('%~~%', CatStr2) - 2), ''),

    Coach2Email = nullif(right(CatStr2, len(CatStr2) - patindex('%$$%', CatStr2) -1), ''),

    Coach3FN = nullif(left(CatStr3, patindex('%~~%', CatStr3) - 1), ''),

    Coach3LN = nullif(substring(CatStr3, patindex('%~~%', CatStr3) + 2, patindex('%$$%', CatStr3) - patindex('%~~%', CatStr3) - 2), ''),

    Coach3Email = nullif(right(CatStr3, len(CatStr3) - patindex('%$$%', CatStr3) -1), '')

    from cte

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]

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