Group total expression

  • I want to add a column after Total lets say..'Progress' where Progress = sum(Actual)/sum(Budget)

    The only filter on Progress is to consider only those values from months where both Actual and Budget are present.

    So, e.g.

    For first row: 0/0 = 0

    For second row: 0/0 = 0

    For third row: 28334/67060(instead of 200511) = 0

    if there would have been an Actual value for the month of August e.g. 100, then (28334+100)/(67060+66614)

    For fourth row: 0/0 = 0

    How can I achieve this using expressions in SSRS?

    Thanks in advance

  • Any help guys..

  • Help us help you. Could you post some dummy data? Just something for us to start with instead of starting from scratch?

  • The RunningValue function might be what you need here, check out this post:

    You'll likely need to play with the group value you're passing to the function, it talks about that in the second section.

    Hope that helps!



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