Creating a Test DB from a full backup of Prod

  • I am attempting to create a Test db from a full backup of the production db. With 2012, I cannot do it the the way i had done it in previous versions (and now i understand why because of Logical names).

    The Test db runs in the same instance as Prod db.

    I attempted to run this but come up with errors. This is what i executed:



    MOVE 'PROD' TO 'E:\<path>\TEST.MDF';

    The errors are all cannot execute due to PROD is in use.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

  • Are you able to post the error message?

  • I would need to do it after hours but i can.

    The errors where along the line of cannot move Prod because it is in use.

  • You need to end (kill) all other user sessions connected to the db TEST:

    declare users cursor

    for select spid

    from master..sysprocesses

    where db_name(dbid) = @dbname

    declare @spid int,

    @STR varchar(255)

    open users

    fetch next from users into @spid

    while @@fetch_status <> -1


    if @@fetch_status = 0


    set @STR = 'kill ' + convert(varchar, @spid)

    exec (@str)


    fetch next from users into @spid


    deallocate users

    Then set it to single user mode to be sure:


    EDIT: You will also have to move the Log. See here for a complete restore statement:

  • It's simpler if you just drop the test database before starting the restore to prevent it from being in use.


    use master;

    -- Set offline to disconnect all users from the database

    alter database [MyTestDB] set offline with rollback immediate;

    -- Set back online so that when you execute the drop command,

    -- all DB data files are deleted.

    alter database [MyTestDB] set online with rollback immediate;

    drop database [MyTestDB];

  • I don't drop it, because I want to keep the old db in case the restore fails 😉

    Bringing it offline and online again to drop the connections is elegant.

  • J.Faehrmann (7/23/2014)

    I don't drop it, because I want to keep the old db in case the restore fails 😉

    Bringing it offline and online again to drop the connections is elegant.

    I doubt if you will have a usable database if the restore fails, so there is really no point in not dropping it.

    FYI, if you set a database offline and online again just to disconnect users, it will be owned by the login that set it online.

    if you are doing that, I suggest doing it this way:

    execute as login = 'SA'; -- or the login you desire

    use master;

    alter database [MyTestDB] set offline with rollback immediate;

    alter database [MyTestDB] set online with rollback immediate;


    -- or you could do this after setting it online

    use [MyTestDB];

    exec sp_changedbowner 'sa'

  • the ALTER DATABASE....SINGLE_USER method as suggested earlier is a good suggestion. Remember to add the WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE otherwise it will wait for the connection to be closed before completing.

    Also as previously mentioned you need to move the log file as well as the data file

  • Thanks for the reponses....

    So the above is correct but due to someone signed in probably caused the errors.

    I just want to make sure that this will create a new Test DB from the Prod db.

  • MrG78 (7/23/2014)

    the ALTER DATABASE....SINGLE_USER method as suggested earlier is a good suggestion. Remember to add the WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE otherwise it will wait for the connection to be closed before completing.

    Also as previously mentioned you need to move the log file as well as the data file

    If you set it to single user mode and some process connects to it before you start the restore, you will find it very difficult to disconnect that user.

    That is why I prefer to drop the database before the restore. No one can connect to a database that does not exist. 😎

  • Ah, just picked up on this. If you're restoring to a brand new database, i.e. not currently there. You shouldn't be constrained by the database the restore is from being in use.

    Maybe take the REPLACE option out of your statement and also add the move for the log file, like this...



    MOVE 'PROD' TO 'E:\<path>\TEST.MDF',

    MOVE 'PROD_Log' TO 'E:\<path>\TEST.LDF';

    *Sorry for formatting, not sure how to post this nicely like others have

  • If you set it to single user mode and some process connects to it before you start the restore, you will find it very difficult to disconnect that user.

    That is why I run the restore from the same session/proc that set it to single mode.

    I doubt if you will have a usable database if the restore fails, so there is really no point in not dropping it.

    Keeping the old db only works if the backup files are missing, else a working backup is truely needed 🙂

  • This is a sample of a restore command to use after dropping the restore target database:

    declare @BackupFile nvarchar(500)

    set @BackupFile = '\\MyBackupServer\MyBackupShare\MyBackupFolder\MyTestDBBackup.bak'

    restore database [MyTestDB]

    from disk = @BackupFile


    -- Logical names to match source database

    -- File path and files names as you specify

    move 'MyTestDB_Data'to 'E:\DBFile\MyTestDB_Data.mdf' ,

    move 'MyTestDB_Log'to 'E:\DBFile\MyTestDB_Log.ldf',

    replace, recovery

  • J.Faehrmann (7/23/2014)

    If you set it to single user mode and some process connects to it before you start the restore, you will find it very difficult to disconnect that user.

    That is why I run the restore from the same session/proc that set it to single mode.

    I doubt if you will have a usable database if the restore fails, so there is really no point in not dropping it.

    Keeping the old db only works if the backup files are missing, else a working backup is truely needed 🙂

    "...That is why I run the restore from the same session/proc that set it to single mode..."

    Since you cannot be connected to the database when you restore, that would not prevent someone else from connecting to the database you are trying to restore. It is really just a matter of how often connections are made to the database.

    The same applies to dropping the database, but once the database is successfully dropped, no one can connect to it. If connections are made at a really high rate, it might be necessary to drop the database while it is offline and then delete the database files manually.

  • 1. Do the restore to a different database name

    2. then rename/drop the old database

    3. Rename the new database to the correct DB name

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