Insert the outstanding totals into differenent Colums in Excel sheet

  • Dear all

    I have a data table which has list of bills with date and outstanding total.

    If the bills dates between 0 and 30 I like to insert the Outstanding total into Colum K ,

    If the bills dates between 31 and 60 I like to insert the Outstanding total into Colum L ,

    If the bills dates between 61 and 90 I like to insert the Outstanding total into Colum M and so on ..

    I tried below formula but it is not working

    CASE DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 0 and 30 THEN Insert into (Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal) Value ('K')

    CASE DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 31 and 60 THEN Insert into (Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal) Value ('L')

    CASE DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 61 and 90 THEN Insert into (Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal) Value ('M')

    Can you please help?

    Thanks in advance

  • 1) Share table definition

    2) Sample data

    3) your desired output

    This will help us to provide a better response against the question.

  • rtopal1907 (7/21/2014)

    Dear all

    I have a data table which has list of bills with date and outstanding total.

    If the bills dates between 0 and 30 I like to insert the Outstanding total into Colum K ,

    If the bills dates between 31 and 60 I like to insert the Outstanding total into Colum L ,

    If the bills dates between 61 and 90 I like to insert the Outstanding total into Colum M and so on ..

    I tried below formula but it is not working

    CASE DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 0 and 30 THEN Insert into (Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal) Value ('K')

    CASE DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 31 and 60 THEN Insert into (Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal) Value ('L')

    CASE DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 61 and 90 THEN Insert into (Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal) Value ('M')

    Can you please help?

    Thanks in advance

    whats in columns A-J in your spreadsheet?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • This is my whole formula

    SELECT Entities.Code, Entities.Name, Ac_Billbook.MatterRef, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, Ac_Billbook.Ref, Matters.FeeEarnerRef, Users.FullName, Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal, CaseTypes.CodeName, CaseTypes.Description,

    CASE DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 0 and 30 THEN Insert into (Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal) Value ('K')

    CASE DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 31 and 60 THEN Insert into (Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal) Value ('L')

    CASE DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 61 and 90 THEN Insert into (Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal) Value ('M')

    END AS Aged

    FROM Partner.dbo.Ac_Billbook Ac_Billbook, Partner.dbo.CaseTypes CaseTypes, Partner.dbo.Entities Entities, Partner.dbo.Matters Matters, Partner.dbo.Users Users


  • as a start...does the following query give you the results you expect?



    , Entities.Name

    , Ac_Billbook.MatterRef

    , Ac_Billbook.BillDate

    , Ac_Billbook.Ref

    , Matters.FeeEarnerRef

    , Users.FullName

    , Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal

    , CaseTypes.CodeName

    , CaseTypes.Description,

    , CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 0 and 30 THEN Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal else 0 end age0to30

    , CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 31 and 60 THEN Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal else 0 end age31to60

    , CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 61 and 90 THEN Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal else 0 end age61to90


    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • thanks for your reply I get these error messages

    1- incorrect syntax near the keyword'CASE'

    2- incorrect syntax near the keyword'age31to60'

    3- incorrect syntax near the keyword'age61to90'

    I have put the formula as below

    SELECT Entities.Code, Entities.Name, Ac_Billbook.MatterRef, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, Ac_Billbook.Ref, Matters.FeeEarnerRef, Users.FullName, Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal, CaseTypes.CodeNam, CaseTypes.Description,

    CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 0 and 30 THEN Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal else 0 end age0to30

    CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 31 and 60 THEN Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal else 0 end age31to60

    CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 61 and 90 THEN Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal else 0 end age61to90

    FROM Partner.dbo.Ac_Billbook Ac_Billbook, Partner.dbo.CaseTypes CaseTypes, Partner.dbo.Entities Entities, Partner.dbo.Matters Matters, Partner.dbo.Users Users

    WHERE Ac_Billbook.EntityRef = Entities.Code AND Entities.Code = Matters.EntityRef AND Ac_Billbook.MatterRef = Matters.Number AND Matters.CaseTypeRef = CaseTypes.Code AND Matters.FeeEarnerRef = Users.Code

  • rtopal1907 (7/21/2014)

    thanks for your reply I get these error messages

    1- incorrect syntax near the keyword'CASE'

    2- incorrect syntax near the keyword'age31to60'

    3- incorrect syntax near the keyword'age61to90'

    I have put the formula as below

    SELECT Entities.Code, Entities.Name, Ac_Billbook.MatterRef, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, Ac_Billbook.Ref, Matters.FeeEarnerRef, Users.FullName, Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal, CaseTypes.CodeNam, CaseTypes.Description,

    CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 0 and 30 THEN Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal else 0 end age0to30

    CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 31 and 60 THEN Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal else 0 end age31to60

    CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, Ac_Billbook.BillDate, getdate()) Between 61 and 90 THEN Ac_Billbook.OutstandingTotal else 0 end age61to90

    FROM Partner.dbo.Ac_Billbook Ac_Billbook, Partner.dbo.CaseTypes CaseTypes, Partner.dbo.Entities Entities, Partner.dbo.Matters Matters, Partner.dbo.Users Users

    WHERE Ac_Billbook.EntityRef = Entities.Code AND Entities.Code = Matters.EntityRef AND Ac_Billbook.MatterRef = Matters.Number AND Matters.CaseTypeRef = CaseTypes.Code AND Matters.FeeEarnerRef = Users.Code

    you are missing commas before the second and third CASE statements.....see my previous post

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • you were right I missed commas, it has been fixed now and working perfectly thank you very much for your help.

    Also how do I change Colum header name? For example instead of "aged0to30" I like to put "Current"

    is it possible?

    thanks again

  • rtopal1907 (7/21/2014)

    you were right I missed commas, it has been fixed now and working perfectly thank you very much for your help.

    Also how do I change Colum header name? For example instead of "aged0to30" I like to put "Current"

    is it possible?

    thanks again

    no problem....just change it

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • If I change it gives me syntax error. I wondered if I need to use some kinde of brackets or comas before and after "Current"

  • oops...too hasty in my response...."Current" is a reserved word...this can be overcome by enclosing in square brackets or alter the name to something that isn't reserved...

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • you are a genius J Livingston SQL, square brackets worked. Thank you for your time.

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